Scholasticism vs Hesychasm?

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Today my RCIA class concluded by watching a video by a Pantheistic Modernist. I firmly oppose pantheism but I have heard a little bit about Hesychasm and that there is issues between Hesychasm and Scholasticism. I want to know what are the controversy between Hesychasm and the Scholastic view of God? Like I said before, I am very suspicious of any pantheistic view of God, but I also really like the view of God as Truth Himself, Being Himself, that is that all that exist depends on Him to exist as He is existence Himself (by the way, is that the Argument from Contingency? or a form of it?)

Glory to God
Hail Mary!
That article says that the practitioner of the hesychast method of prayer:
“continually repeats the prayer with each aspiration and breath, placing his “mind in his heart” by concentrated attention. He empties his mind of all rational thoughts and discursive reasoning, and also voids his mind of every picture and image.”

Quietism involves a silencing of the mind which seems antithetical to Christian spirituality. Elsewhere the Catholic encyclopedia notes:

“In the state of “quietude” the mind is wholly inactive; it no longer thinks or wills on its own account, but remains passive while God acts within it. Quietism is thus generally speaking a sort of false or exaggerated mysticism, which under the guise of the loftiest spirituality contains erroneous notions which, if consistently followed, would prove fatal to morality.” [see CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Quietism]

So the differentiation between hesychasm and quietism, if anything, appears to be that quietism “declares that man’s highest perfection consists in a sort of psychical self-annihilation and a consequent absorption of the soul into the Divine Essence even during the present life,” while Hesychasm technically does not.

Would you agree?
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