Unfortunately, I can’t explain our situation without it being to lengthy, though I will try to keep it as short as I can.
My husband and I need to be at peace with our decision to transfer our 14 yr old son and 11 yr old daughter out of the protestant school they have been attending since Kindergarden.
If you are wondering why they have been there and not a Catholic school. I was a cradle Catholic not practicing my faith (never catechized) and husband was raised SDA. FIve years ago I came back to the church, husband followed (Praise be to God) and we have raised two out of our three children in the faith. Our first born is soon to be 20 and due to a bad experience in Catholic H.S. (he was there for his freshman year) he has not joined us. Although, we do require him to attend mass with us weekly. This same son is the one that suggested we send our 14 yr old to the same high school for the academics and sports program.
My dh and I had already been thinking of transferring schools. We have checked into both the high school and the elementary. Our son also went and visited the h.s. and said it was nice but did receive negative comments from the other students because of where he goes to school now. All in all, he thought it was nice, (impressed by the athletic program) but he did tell me that the students there were getting away with things that at his school would be off limits (talking on cell phones & no supervision at lunch) We told him that we would continue to pray about this decision to transfer and let him know. He has voiced his concerns twice and once when he was very upset again stating the same concerns. Although we have noticed when he is around a friend that he has gone to catechism with, which will go to the Catholic high school he seems fine with the idea of going.
Our daughter on the other hand is not yet aware of what we are considering. They have both been very happy and thriving at the school where they are at and they both have excellent grades.
Although we would prefer they be in a more Catholic environment, we are afraid of the risks involved… what seems like a bit less discipline and the possibility of him following other not so faithful Catholics? On the other hand if we leave them in the Protestant school - will they begin to consider their teachings?- although to date they get mad when they hear anti-Catholic remarks there.
These are both good kids, we go to mass weekly, our son was just confirmed last weekend, we are active in our parish. We need your prayers and any other comments and suggestions you could give us. Some may ask -what are your goals for your kids. That they be rooted in their faith and receive a good solid education. Isn’t this want we all want?? Thanks for reading this, I am sorry it was so long. Gods blessings and thanks to all.
My husband and I need to be at peace with our decision to transfer our 14 yr old son and 11 yr old daughter out of the protestant school they have been attending since Kindergarden.
If you are wondering why they have been there and not a Catholic school. I was a cradle Catholic not practicing my faith (never catechized) and husband was raised SDA. FIve years ago I came back to the church, husband followed (Praise be to God) and we have raised two out of our three children in the faith. Our first born is soon to be 20 and due to a bad experience in Catholic H.S. (he was there for his freshman year) he has not joined us. Although, we do require him to attend mass with us weekly. This same son is the one that suggested we send our 14 yr old to the same high school for the academics and sports program.
My dh and I had already been thinking of transferring schools. We have checked into both the high school and the elementary. Our son also went and visited the h.s. and said it was nice but did receive negative comments from the other students because of where he goes to school now. All in all, he thought it was nice, (impressed by the athletic program) but he did tell me that the students there were getting away with things that at his school would be off limits (talking on cell phones & no supervision at lunch) We told him that we would continue to pray about this decision to transfer and let him know. He has voiced his concerns twice and once when he was very upset again stating the same concerns. Although we have noticed when he is around a friend that he has gone to catechism with, which will go to the Catholic high school he seems fine with the idea of going.
Our daughter on the other hand is not yet aware of what we are considering. They have both been very happy and thriving at the school where they are at and they both have excellent grades.
Although we would prefer they be in a more Catholic environment, we are afraid of the risks involved… what seems like a bit less discipline and the possibility of him following other not so faithful Catholics? On the other hand if we leave them in the Protestant school - will they begin to consider their teachings?- although to date they get mad when they hear anti-Catholic remarks there.
These are both good kids, we go to mass weekly, our son was just confirmed last weekend, we are active in our parish. We need your prayers and any other comments and suggestions you could give us. Some may ask -what are your goals for your kids. That they be rooted in their faith and receive a good solid education. Isn’t this want we all want?? Thanks for reading this, I am sorry it was so long. Gods blessings and thanks to all.