School Trip to Abortuary Triggers Calls for Firing of School Administrator

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**School Trip to Abortuary Triggers Calls for Firing of School Administrator
*******Students wore vests used by abortion escorts to take women in for their abortions
*By Gudrun Schultz
NEW HOPE, Pennsylvania, October 17, 2006 ( - The National Pro-Life Action Center (NPLAC) in Washinton D.C. is calling for an investigation after a private school sponsored a field trip to a nearby abortuary, triggering outrage in the local community.
Looks like this school operates on the same old “Diversity, as long as you agree with me” methodology.

It’s weird the way the teacher states that the opposite of Pro-Life is Anti-Life - huh? How does this make or support his position? Does he not see the irony of what he’s saying. A life is lost with each and every abortion.

It’s no wonder his class on activism can’t look at both sides of the issue (this polarization he’s so afraid of). Doesn’t activism require that one first become informed of the position, preferably knowing the oppositions perspective well enough to coherently refute it? This is what allows one to 1) know your active on the right side of the issue and 2) be effective in changing hearts and minds.

Oh well, if you don’t have a leg to stand on, it’s best to lie.

Which parents (use the term loosly) even would sign a permission slip for their kids to go on such a field trip?

I know I wouldnt!
It’s weird the way the teacher states that the opposite of Pro-Life is Anti-Life - huh? How does this make or support his position? Does he not see the irony of what he’s saying. A life is lost with each and every abortion.
The way he’s talking is really quick double-speak, trying to cover his behind, and I’d be willing to bet you anything he’s an adamanth pro-choicer. I had a teacher who did the same thing with us in High School. Most of us knew he was doing it, and it annoyed me so badly I had to quit his class.

I almost might have enjoyed a trip to an abortion clinic in High School (as a SENIOR, I have to emphasize that because there is a huge difference between the mindset of a Freshman and a Senior. Seniors are much more confident of their worldview and less able to be manipulated) because I would’ve enjoyed challenging the tourguide and shouting out support to the protestors. Would’ve gotten a severe reprimand, but hey, I was Editor-in-Chief of the newspaper and friends with the teacher/advisor (who was truly for Free-Speech. She was very liberal, but she would be…darned, if you weren’t going to get your say as well) so if I’d gotten in trouble for sharing my views, people would’ve definitally heard about it.

If this was anything lower than a Senior class though, I would’ve been ticked and even if my Senior was asking permission to go I would have to judge whether I thought he could handle it (in terms of temper mainly…we’re Irish/German…😃 )
Which parents (use the term loosly) even would sign a permission slip for their kids to go on such a field trip?

I know I wouldnt!
I agree. And there would have to have been permission slips for the teacher to take the class off campus during school, unless I’m greatly mistaken.

The article doesn’t say if this is a Catholic school or not. Either way, I hope parents start pulling their kids out now. If the school loses tuition funds from this fiasco it might build a case for dismissing the teacher and any administrators who supported this “class”.
If the parents did in fact sign a permission slip then my guess is the parents are pro-abortion. Perhpas they wanted their kids to see an abortuary.

I would imagine the abortuary put on a nice show for the kids.
I wonder if any women were crying or screaming.
But would the parents have been told that that’s where they were going? I can’t imagine any parent would willingly allow it even if they were pro-abortion - it’s pretty risky what with protesters around, you know!
Its far from a Catholic school…Its a place Howard Dean and the likes would send their kids. Basically its a prep school for Americas future secular humanists. I am guessing that almost every student of this school comes from a family that has money and votes for people like Hillary and other members of the Culture of death. Here
I don’t think I’d have a problem with my daughters going, but I’d damn well make sure they see the other side of it, the whole point would have to be that the clinics want you to see it as being a simple choice, but i’ts not a simple choice…it’s a life, a complex life that is genetically and psychologically tied to the mother, whether alive or dead.

The problem with the pro-life/pro-choice designations is that both sides see their view as right, therefore both are pro-something and neither are anti-anything…

The pro-choicers don’t really say that nobody should have babies or that people should go out and have lots of abortions, they don’t all say that anyone who wants one should get one, and many of them agree that it is a horrible act, but refuse to impose regulations on such private matters. In fact, pro-choice advocates are so varied in their degree of thinking abortion is okay, it is difficult to understand how they keep it together.

However, pro-lifers can’t do enough to actually get abortion banned, which is the ultimate goal. Unfortunately, completely eradicating abortion is beyond mortal power, this is something we need to fight by instilling values in our children and every other child we can. Maybe your 11 year old daughter’s best friend comes from a very liberal home, and there is some big abortion news article in the paper, next time she’s over, ask her how she feels about it… Tell her how horrible it is that women kill their children, harm their bodies, and go through such mental anguish because they are scared or don’t know what else to do.

Better yet, get your kids into activism, if they see the joy and love of foster families, adoptive parents, parents of special needs babies, etc. they will be likely to value family and their friends will hear them talk about these “everyday miracles”
Which parents (use the term loosly) even would sign a permission slip for their kids to go on such a field trip?

I know I wouldnt!
I would venture to say that probably half the parents didn’t even read the form and just signed it. Of the remaining half I would venture to say that 1/4 to 1/2 of the kids signed the forms themselves. Having been a student and taught students, I know I have forged my parents signature and/or had my mom ask me to sign slips for her (or she asked my brother b/c he could forge her signature very well). I have also taught students who had parents that cared more about themselves than their children or their children’s education.
Maybe your 11 year old daughter’s best friend comes from a very liberal home, and there is some big abortion news article in the paper, next time she’s over, ask her how she feels about it… Tell her how horrible it is that women kill their children, harm their bodies, and go through such mental anguish because they are scared or don’t know what else to do.
Oh yeah, that would go over just great. Do you happen to be the mom of an 11 year old? Or even know one?

I happen to have a 14 year old daughter, I’ve been a scout leader since the girls were in kindergarten, I’m very Pro-Life, my daughter is very Pro-Life and yet most of her friends (and their mothers) are very Pro-choice. (I used to be pro-choice before I returned to the Church and prayed enough for the grace to understand the Church’s position, OK, my prayers have been answered).

If I were to have such a conversation with the daughters of these women, telling them my world view on abortion, I would be inciting a riot. These women are very possessive with their daughter’s view of the world and would NOT take kindly to my opposing their position with their girls directly, especially outside of their presence.

It would lead to social suicide for both my daughter and myself. And, it would do absolutely nothing to advance the cause of life among the girls. They would rather be told how horrific these religious zealots can be and how … (blah, blah, blah). It would not lead to anything good.
Better yet, get your kids into activism, if they see the joy and love of foster families, adoptive parents, parents of special needs babies, etc. they will be likely to value family and their friends will hear them talk about these “everyday miracles”
Yes, this is the Better yet scenario, truly! I realized when my daughter was in the third grade and had a conversation explaining Mary, Mother of God to a friend from a fundamentalist family, that she could evangelize among her friends in a way that I absolutely could not. She did this at school when if I’d used the same words with the same child, I would have been shown to the door of the school and asked not to return.

I have since realized that as her mother, it is my responsibility to teach her everything possible so that she is prepared to educate her friends and possibly even save some lives. In the meantime, I hope to have her friends join us at things like the Walk for Life West Coast, where the mother’s know in advance what the agenda is and they can decide if they’re willing to allow their daughters to participate (or possibly even join themselves to see what it’s really like to see the Pro-lifer’s in action - a real awakening, to be certain, not what the media would suggest it’s like). In addition to taking her to last year’s Walk for Life, we’ve gone to hear Gianna Jessa, an abortion survivor, speak and I’ve taught her about embryonic stem cell research (as opposed to the more viable adult stem cell research - my degree is in BioChem, with research in genetic engineering).

I’ve also done as much as I know how to, to teach her the Church’s moral teachings. Christopher West has a new “Theology of the Body for Teens” coming out the middle of next month and I may be presenting it to local teens through our Parish (Father and I will be reviewing it when it’s released).

But, for me to shanghai kids without their mothers awareness and push my ideas on them would be seen as an abuse of their trust of me as an adult in their girls lives.

It is the parents responsibility to be the primary teacher of a child. This doesn’t mean that only Catholics have this right and responsibility. It doesn’t mean that if I disagree with what other parents are teaching that I have a right to shove my “Truth” down the throats of other parent’s kids behind their parents backs. If they did this to me, I’d be none too happy. Mind you, I’d have truth on my side, so I don’t think they’d get very far, but I still wouldn’t appreciate it. Why would I expect them to feel differently?

It’s my responsibility to find common ground with these women, the other mom’s, and see if I can find ways to open them up to the truth, one small step at a time. On helping them, I can help their daughters. In the meantime, my daughter can help their daughters, as it’s fair for her to do so.

I would venture to say that probably half the parents didn’t even read the form and just signed it. Of the remaining half I would venture to say that 1/4 to 1/2 of the kids signed the forms themselves. Having been a student and taught students, I know I have forged my parents signature and/or had my mom ask me to sign slips for her (or she asked my brother b/c he could forge her signature very well). I have also taught students who had parents that cared more about themselves than their children or their children’s education.
I guess some schools have not figured it out yet…my sons school aeach year requires us (parents) to sign a form so they have a copy of our signature on file…that way they can compare it to anything that might be submitted during the year and they can verify if it is our signature;)
I guess some schools have not figured it out yet…my sons school aeach year requires us (parents) to sign a form so they have a copy of our signature on file…that way they can compare it to anything that might be submitted during the year and they can verify if it is our signature;)
Most, if not all, schools do this. However, I can tell you that unless it was a questionable child, no one EVER compared signatures. In the schools I’ve worked in and attended, parents had to sign for future proof of what was and wasn’t their signature and teachers and administrators didn’t check into the validity of every signature, most didn’t check into the validity of even one signature
Most, if not all, schools do this. However, I can tell you that unless it was a questionable child, no one EVER compared signatures. In the schools I’ve worked in and attended, parents had to sign for future proof of what was and wasn’t their signature and teachers and administrators didn’t check into the validity of every signature, most didn’t check into the validity of even one signature
Ah…I see.
Well I can say that my sons school checks every signature that comes across on notes and permission slips, report cards, progress reports etc.👍
A few kids each year try to forge a signature…they learn the hard way and end up with a couple of JUG’s for their effort:D
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