First, what is Schroedinger’s cat: Assume that you build a quantum gun which probability of shooting and not shooting are 50% and 50% respectively. You put this gun together with an alive being, lets say a cat, in a box and close the box. This means that you are not aware of quantum state of gun hence the state of life of cat meaning that cat is both alive and dead until the box is opened. You can read more here. This means that even a macroscopic being could be in a quantum state as it applies to the cats life in this experiment.
Second, what is many-world interpretation: Many-world interpretation was suggested To resolve the Schroedinger’s cat paradox meaning that quantum state of a system never collapse hence there should exist two world in this thought experiment that in one cat is alive and in another one cat is dead. You can read more about many-world interpretation here.
Third, what is free will: the ability to decide in a unbiased situation with at least two options, in another word when the two options are equally likely prior to decision(two options are liked equally). This is similar to Schroedinger’s cat thought. In another word, our mind is in state of affair with two outcomes both have the similar likelihood from third person perspective. What decision the person make affect the microscopic state of person being so the question is what would be state of affair from third person perspective which is paradoxical.
Many-worlds interpretation of course can resolve this paradox with the price that free will is an illusion.
Your thought.
Second, what is many-world interpretation: Many-world interpretation was suggested To resolve the Schroedinger’s cat paradox meaning that quantum state of a system never collapse hence there should exist two world in this thought experiment that in one cat is alive and in another one cat is dead. You can read more about many-world interpretation here.
Third, what is free will: the ability to decide in a unbiased situation with at least two options, in another word when the two options are equally likely prior to decision(two options are liked equally). This is similar to Schroedinger’s cat thought. In another word, our mind is in state of affair with two outcomes both have the similar likelihood from third person perspective. What decision the person make affect the microscopic state of person being so the question is what would be state of affair from third person perspective which is paradoxical.
Many-worlds interpretation of course can resolve this paradox with the price that free will is an illusion.
Your thought.