let us destroy the idea that science can find a natural cause that explains the existence of the universe. it is a tired old thing and should be put down like the decrepit dog it is. we are so ingrained with the idea that science can solve all problems that we overlook a very simple undeniable truth. peteys’ law, one version stated below
something that doesnt exist cannot act to cause itself.
it seems so obvious that it need not be stated. its the implications of this most basic of facts that are of interest.
so, what does it mean?
it means that nothing physical that exists can be the result of physical processes, as science only deals with empirically observable phenomenon, those physical processes, science cannot offer any natural cause for the universe.
it also means.
there is no possible natural cause for the universe.
right now some of you may be thinking ‘what?’ how can you say that? anything is possible. what about this theory or that?
my response would be to apply peteys’ law, can that physical object, be it particle, or elephant cause itself? most likely not.
if a theory cant pass a petey test, it cant be an explanation for the origin of the universe.
every scientific theory advanced as a possible origin exlanation ia therefore false, worthless. science really has nothing to offer to the debate.
everybody can keep looking for waldo, they will undoubtedly do so, only, there is no waldo!
something that doesnt exist cannot act to cause itself.
it seems so obvious that it need not be stated. its the implications of this most basic of facts that are of interest.
so, what does it mean?
it means that nothing physical that exists can be the result of physical processes, as science only deals with empirically observable phenomenon, those physical processes, science cannot offer any natural cause for the universe.
it also means.
there is no possible natural cause for the universe.
right now some of you may be thinking ‘what?’ how can you say that? anything is possible. what about this theory or that?
my response would be to apply peteys’ law, can that physical object, be it particle, or elephant cause itself? most likely not.
if a theory cant pass a petey test, it cant be an explanation for the origin of the universe.
every scientific theory advanced as a possible origin exlanation ia therefore false, worthless. science really has nothing to offer to the debate.
everybody can keep looking for waldo, they will undoubtedly do so, only, there is no waldo!