Scientific documentation of eucharistic miracles

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I just want to refer to a previous posts, this by @CSN :
I am a big believer in miracles. In their existence, their veracity, and ultimately, their power to convert…

I note that there’s a tendency to brush them off, saying they are not important to the faith. I entirely disagree. To me, miracles are the single most convincing reason believe in the existence of God in general, and in the truth of the Catholic Church in particular (because I hold that despite the claims of miracles of every religion, only the Catholic Church has medically documented, scientifically documented inexplicable phenomena that have occurred in its name ).

and a reply from @AveSantaMaria
I’m trying to get a copy of the miracle. I actually communicated with the person who did the scientific study. The issue that I am having is that I don’t understand Italian and can’t write it well or read it. Otherwise, I would send him a letter in Italian requesting a copy of the study (which he seemed glad to provide). I am also very busy - otherwise I might pay a professional Italian translater to translate the document for me. I am also highly interested in sending the document to interested friends. 🙂 :o

On this forum, I communicated with a person who I think lives in Italy and knows of the company that published it and might be interested in translating the letter/article or obtaining it. I can tell him that there is another person interested in this miracle other than myself if you would like it sooner than I get around to doing this and maybe you might communicate with him. :o

P.S. In my investigations, I found out that the author of the study knows of no WHO organization involvement in the miracle. I called the WHO and searched their website and no one there or on the website knows of any involvement. So this seems like a spurious claim to me. Many claims have been spurious regarding the Lanciano miracle, including claims written in books. In fact, the person I initially contacted as a colleague of the doctor was quoted in a book as having an involvement with the Lanciano miracle that he actually did not have!!

Having said the foregoing, I have at times looked for the medical journals or other scientific documents that have supposedly discussed experiments conducted on various relics, etc.

For example, I read that the World Health Organization commissioned scientists to study the Eucharistic Miracle at Lanciano. Also, the panel of doctors at Lourdes would (I presume) have published some kind of medical reports.

In the end, I have a question - does anyone have copies of such documents ? Like copies of medical journal articles or the official report to the WHO (etc.) ?

I am asking this because an atheist friend of mine said that he would seriously consider these things with an open mind, provided that I give him such firsthand evidence.

Thanks in advance…

Wondering if anyone have obtained the published paper or any WHO records. TQVM
Did you create a new account? You’re referring to past threads you’ve taken part in, and yet this is supposedly your first post.
Nope… I forgot my previous password and account but it was not a thread written by me… o just happened to stumble upon it and wanted to know if anything came out from the email to the researcher…
Oh sorry… I didn’t know that… I really forgot my previous acc… sooo. Yeahhhh
I believe you can PM a moderator and request the other account be closed. That will keep things honest and well…kosher 😂😂😂!

There are problems with the miracle of Lanciano. Besides it happening over a thousand years ago, wiki states this…
During the Mass, when he said the Words of Consecration (“This is my body. This is my blood”), the priest saw the bread change into living flesh and the wine change into blood which coagulated into five globules, irregular and differing in shape and size.[2] The alleged miracle was contemporaneously investigated and confirmed by the Church, though no documents from this investigation are extant.

Bolding is mine. Moreover, this Eucharist is heart tissue and contains no trace of ever being bread. We know that miracles are faked more often than true. I’m a non believer to begin with so my standards of proof are higher than most of the faithful. Between the odds of it being faked as more likely than real…which is just a probability statistic…I would need some very precise evidence from non interested parties.

I don’t have problems with people claiming a miracle and believing it true. I do have a problem with people expecting me to believe it on very iffy evidence. I do think claims of some miracles may be true but it often seems as though those are for the benefit of the believers, not for the non believers. Sorry.
I dont remember my previous account though… I dont see a problem having a new account… hmm… well, it does come into play if there is scientific evidence backing up… just interested to know if there are any follow ups…
Do you remember your username? That should be enough for a moderator to fix it but if you don’t and you aren’t posting as two people, you are probably ok.
Do you remember your username? That should be enough for a moderator to fix it but if you don’t and you aren’t posting as two people, you are probably ok.
I think many people made new accounts after the redesign.
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