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I hear a lot about this group, the Scientologists, what exactly are they and are they the same as those places that say First Church of Christ, scientist? Could someone explain who they are and give me some resources on them? Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks
I hear a lot about this group, the Scientologists, what exactly are they and are they the same as those places that say First Church of Christ, scientist? Could someone explain who they are and give me some resources on them? Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks
trust me… stay far far away… bad news… :cool:
An acquaintance of mine is in debt to them for $60,000.00! She got involved with them after her divorce. They do a lot of “counseling” - cleaning out the garbage, which she said she could have done in a lot better way in the confessional. She says they helped her to be able to read a book a night…but I have not asked her if she enjoys reading at that pace! 🙂 She said that their philosophy is … MORE … more of everything and focusing on their goals in order to attain that MORE. The good news is that she has come back to the Church and is a very strong Catholic now after having been a lukewarm one for many years. I agree with the last poster - stay away - far away!
There quite a bit of infomation on their web site, After a very quick review, a couple of things popped out as completely opposite to Catholic, and even, christian, teaching. The one I found the most disturbing was that they teach that no faith is required. The other is that they believe that humans are spirits.
Aren’t Tom Cruise and John Travolta both Scientologists?

Maybe they could help the poor woman in the above post pay off her $60,000 debt to them;)
I have little direct knowledge of Scientology but know they sue the trousers off anyone who publicly opposes them. All kinds of frivolous lawsuits. Newsweek, Readers Digest, etcetera have experienced this.

Individuals who leave not only find themselves in deep debt but if they become public opponents it is said that they can be declared ‘fair game’ by the Org (what Scientology calls it’s headquarters, I understand) and harrassed in countless ways. Phone calls in the night, even after changing one’s number repeatedly. Phone calls to one’s employers questioning one’s stability or suggesting one is engaged in unethical behavior. Civil suits by people one met once in a hatroom three years ago. Public release of information one revealed in supposed confidence during ‘auditing’ (a form of counseling). Or worse: public release of phony information designed to cost one’s reputation and/or compel one into an emotional breakdown.

This group is reputed to be exactly this ugly and vindictive. The reports are very consistent and come from a variety of observers, so I don’t think these are just tales told out of school by disgruntled former Scientologists. My training is in sociology. I don’t scare easily when it comes to new religious movements but Scientology makes me nervous. I happened to have enjoyed Dianetics–the founding book of the movement–until I realized how much of it had been purloined from other thinkers. L. Ron Hubbard has been exposed several times as a fraud of cosmic magnitude. Again, this stuff has come out often from people without an axe to grind. Be very cautious of this group.
Up the road from me they have just about taken over downtown Clearwater— they even crowded the Baptist out. They own hundreds of millions of dollars of property and built a block square headquarters building.

Their god is gold.
I hear a lot about this group, the Scientologists, what exactly are they and are they the same as those places that say First Church of Christ, scientist? Could someone explain who they are and give me some resources on them? Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks

There is really nothing religious about the group (in a traditional God sense). They believe that aliens are stuck all ofver their bodies, sometimes in clusters “called Body Thetans (rhymes with satans)”. They beleive that those ‘alien space cooties’ prevent them from living a happy healthy life so they have to audit them to overcome their effect. Auditing costs thousands of $$$$…and the “Church” is the only place you can get proper auditing…pretty handy huh.

In reality it is a brainwashing cult designed to get as much money as possible out of the victims…um I mean members.

There are a lot of resources on the net to read further…
I’d start with and also and

Please do as others have suggested…if you want to learn more do it from a far, you want NOTHING to do with these folks.
From the TV series Millenium, the “Selfosophy” (re Scientology) episode:

Frank Black: “Peter, the Group has taken on the minions of ultimate evil, why is the Group hesitant on taking on these people?”

Peter Watts: “Frank, Ultimate Evil does’t sue”

My own expereience, walking out of Arzona State University with my wife. Dianetics/Scientology tract distrubuter tries to foist off some sheet on me.

Me: “No thanks, I don’t want to spend $16,000 just to become an (anatomical reference)”
–Beat quick retreat across the street leaving tract distributer turning purple–not my most charitible moment, I confess, but oddly satisfying. :yup:
Aliens? :bigyikes: Auditing??:eek:

Now I have to know - is this the one a few of the movie stars belong to or am I confusing it with something else?? What is that thing Tom Cruise and John Travolta belong to. Don’t misunderstand, I’m not a huge fan of either one, but those names come to mind.
Little Mary:
Aliens? :bigyikes: Auditing??:eek:

Now I have to know - is this the one a few of the movie stars belong to or am I confusing it with something else?? What is that thing Tom Cruise and John Travolta belong to. Don’t misunderstand, I’m not a huge fan of either one, but those names come to mind.
They are both Scientologists…but there are a lot of others that are just as well known

Here is a link to others…

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