Actuallly, you didn’t say that you felt unqualified to “take on” the bible, nor that you considered
bible study “out of your league” or an exercise in futility, as do so many of my fellow Catholics.
I therefore apologize for being so grossly presumptuous to think your post implied
you also did.
Where in the bible does it say that we must submit to the bible’s authority?
Have you checked the preface?
__ In the preface of my 1951 standard English Catholic
Douay Bible, it says that the church itself submits [yields] to the authority or authenticity
of the bible, because it springs from Divine authorship, the inspired word of God. To quote
from my bible’s preface…
“Every thought and idea in the Bible is the result of such inspiration. There is no part of the
Scripture, even the slightest, that is not inspired. The Bible itself speaks of such inspiration**:**
Referring to the Old Testament, Saint Paul says that
'all Scripture is inspired by God.
(2 Tim. 3:16). . . . According to the Bible itself, some of the New Testament books are no
less divine and authoritative than the Old Testament books. Saint Paul prefaces passages
from both with the phrase ‘The Scriptures says’ (1 Tim. 6:18). Saint Peter classes the
Pauline Epistles with ‘the rest of the Scriptures’ (2 Pet. 3:15-16). . . . Saint Ignatius of
Antioch, who lived in the first century, and Saint Justin Martyr, who lived in the second
century, both recognized the divine
authority of the Bible, speaking of it as
'inspired by
’ . . . The best an only adequate proof that the Bible was written under the inspiration
of God is the infallible word of the Catholic church. On April 8, 1546, the Council of Trent
declared that God is the author of both the Old and New Testament.”
If our one, holy, Catholic, and apostolic church submits to the authority of the Bible, what
does that say to you, me any other Catholics? To me it says we also must submit to it
As for me I will continue to read scripture in light of the Holy Spirit’s guidance of the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church.
Sounds good to me.
May God bless and guide you in your efforts.