Scrupulosity and Second-Guessing Confessions

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Scrupulous as I am, I keep second-guessing whether or not I have confessed my sins properly. My confessors keep assuring me that my sins are forgiven, and I have no doubts about the mercy of God, but I doubt myself.

You need professional help because of your OCD/Scrupulosity. This is the last place to look for help!
I suffer from this sometime too. But know that through the Sacraments and true repentance, all sins are forgiven. It doesn’t matter if you “said” them correctly. If the confessor got the idea, and you were truly repentant, your sins are forgiven.
Scrupulosity is a religious manifesto of OCD, which results from a biochemical process. I have no doubt that priests will reassure you about spiritual issues but you need to see a doctor who will be able to give you medical advice.
A good solution I heard a Priest say was: “you’re not that important.”
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