Sean Hannity vs Fr. Thomas J. Euteneuer

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This may be old news to many of you, but I’m going to assume it isn’t. Nevertheless, has anyone seen this video of Sean Hannity of Fox News/ Hannity and Colmes squaring off against Fr. Thomas J. Euteneuer?

Hannity a Catholic advocates contraception on his radio program and has done so for years. So, Fr. Thomas confronts him on his stance. I emailed Sean Hannity a few years ago about his stance advocating contraception because it angered me that he would do so as a professing Roman Catholic. I was hoping he would get enough emails to rethink his position. Don’t get me wrong, I agree with him on most issues but NOT with his view of birthcontrol. How Ironic it is that Hannity a staunch “conservative” who is famous for attacking liberals is actually in agreement with liberal Catholics! Please email and pray for him that he may change his mind and believe as the Catholic Church teaches.

See the it here…
How Ironic it is that Hannity a staunch “conservative” who is famous for attacking liberals is actually in agreement with liberal Catholics!
I do not find it ironic at all. Being a Republican doesn’t make one a good Catholic. I know people who are very orthodox in their faith, and if it weren’t for the fact that Democrats support abortion as one of their main platforms nowadays, would be Democrats. I also know plenty of people who about are as far to the right, politically, as you can get. (None of the following is meant to apply to any specific person…) They call themselves Catholic- they go to Mass on Christmas, Easter, and Ash Wednesday. They remember when it’s Mardi Gras and St. Patrick’s Day (but they don’t remember what they do on those days). If they don’t do those things, it’s because they have a professional reputation to keep- or a family to keep. They may be pro-choice, they probably are pro-embryonic stem-cell research. Faithful Catholics who get that much publicity are few and far between.
Perhaps the surprise is due to your assumption that teh Pill is a liberal issue. It is neeither liberal nor conservative; it is an issue of how one spaces births. Many people know nothing at all about NFP, other than rumors they have heard (generally somewhere between inaccurate and wildly inaccurate).

Further, to presume it is a “liberal” issue seems to presume that materialism is a liberal issue; but it seems to me that it is the Republicans who represent free enterprise, and particularly as it is practiced by Big Business. The sneering comment by the liberals is that the Republicans just wnat to getr rich at the expense of the poor. And isn’t one of the issues driving ABC the issue of not having too many children, which really comes out as not having too many expenses? Not what one would call a flaming liberal issue…
I do not find it ironic at all. Being a Republican doesn’t make one a good Catholic.

I agree. And when did I say being a Republican makes one a good Catholic?
To many Protestants and some Catholics are much to Nationalistic which supercedes their Christian faith, and that’s wrong. And the main reason I’m a Republican is that I’m pro-life and against same sex marriage. I do like their stance on lower taxes also, because it benefits families. My brother has eight children, his wife stays home to home-school their children and he is on a very tight budget; Bush’s tax reduction plan very much helped him keep more money and that’s a good thing, not just for him but other families also. Nonetheless, I’m not basing my position on some inductive experiential subjectivism, but on the fact that lower taxes help families. But believe me I’m not one who worships Wall Street either. To many of those types are only worried about their portfolio/401k’s, instead of helping the poor and destitute; their god is money.
Matthew 25:41-46 explains what is going to happen to them. Jesus is first, the money is simply a tool in helping others first. I just heard a Cardinal from the Vatican denounce President Hugo Chavez because he is a socialist who claims Jesus was a socialist, yet the Caridinal truthfully stated that Jesus wasn’t a politician and asserted that NO system of government no not even strict capitolism is the system from God’s design.
I know people who are very orthodox in their faith, and if it weren’t for the fact that Democrats support abortion as one of their main platforms nowadays, would be Democrats.
[otjm;2002830]Perhaps the surprise is due to your assumption that teh Pill is a liberal issue. It is neeither liberal nor conservative; it is an issue of how one spaces births. Many people know nothing at all about NFP, other than rumors they have heard (generally somewhere between inaccurate and wildly inaccurate).
NO it is a moral issue, spacing births is fine for serious reasons, however using contraception is thus like eating food and then throwing it up. Why? We eat food primarily because it gives us nurishment, that’s the primary function of food, however there are secondary and tertiary reasons also, i.e., it tastes good and makes us feel good in our stomach etc. Yet if we eat food and then throw it up we have just committed what is known as bellemia, a disorder by anyones standard.
Those who contracept also create a disorder from God’s design, from the natural law when, you frustrate the primary purpose and function of the marital act. Whether you are Catholic or not doesn’t matter, contraception goes against the natural order of how God made these things to work because it fails to complete its primary function which is to create life. Sure there are secondary functions of the union of man and woman, it feels good, it is unitive (it unites us as one), but its primary function is pro-creation or propigation of humanity. Now does that mean every time the man and woman engage in the marital act the woman will get pregnant? NO God didn’t design it that way which is why NFP is NOT contraception because the couple are simply abstaining for a time and doing nothing for a time and doing nothing isn’t a sin if it is done for serious reasons. Contraception is like the old saying…“Why are you taking the train if you aren’t going to Minnesota?”

And no false premise here. I never said the pill was a conservative nor liberal issue, but an issue that liberal Catholics accept. And that Sean Hannity a “Roman Catholic” affirms the use of the contraception to people on his radio, (and YES I’ve heard him say it many times) when the Catholic Church has always asserted it is immoral a grave sin for Catholics to affirm this and for the pro-lifers most don’t know that the pill is an abortifacient…
How does the Pill work?
The Pill has three mechanisms of action which can easily be looked up in the Physician’s Desk Reference.

1) Sometimes, the Pill suppresses ovulation. When this happens, an egg is not released and conception cannot occur. (It’s important to read on and find out about the high rates of breakthrough ovulation. When ovulation is not suppressed, pregnancy can occur.)

**2) The Pill also works to thicken the woman’s cervical mucus which can “restrict” sperm from moving up the reproductive tract toward the egg. **
3) One way the Pill causes early abortions is that it interfers with the flexing motions and the cilia movement of the fallopian tubes. These changes slow the transportation of newly conceived child from the fallopian tubes to the womb. Unfortunately, many small babies starve to death in the fallopian tubes because chemicals caused changes that prevented them from reaching the womb in time to be nourished.
Another way the Pill causes early abortions: If your tiny baby survives the ride down the fallopian tube to your womb, the Pill will almost always cause the endometrium (the lining of your uterus) to reject your child. Chemical reactions often cause the lining of your womb to become thin, shriveled and unable to support implantation of your newly conceived child.
This means that in almost every case, your new child will not be able to attach to the wall of your womb where he or she would normally live, grow and receive nourishment for 9 months. This means your tiny baby will starve to death and his or her remains will be passed along in your next bleeding cycle. (The “Study of Abortion Deaths Commission” estimates that this happens in women in America who use the Pill approximately 1 to 4 million times each year.)
The chemicals that cause these early abortions are called abortifacients which is the medical term for any chemical agent that causes an abortion.
Further, to presume it is a “liberal” issue seems to presume that materialism is a liberal issue; but it seems to me that it is the Republicans who represent free enterprise, and particularly as it is practiced by Big Business. The sneering comment by the liberals is that the Republicans just wnat to getr rich at the expense of the poor. And isn’t one of the issues driving ABC the issue of not having too many children, which really comes out as not having too many expenses? Not what one would call a flaming liberal issue…
If you would kindly reread my post, I think you’ll find what was actually said which was “liberal Catholic” 🙂
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