This may be old news to many of you, but I’m going to assume it isn’t. Nevertheless, has anyone seen this video of Sean Hannity of Fox News/ Hannity and Colmes squaring off against Fr. Thomas J. Euteneuer?
Hannity a Catholic advocates contraception on his radio program and has done so for years. So, Fr. Thomas confronts him on his stance. I emailed Sean Hannity a few years ago about his stance advocating contraception because it angered me that he would do so as a professing Roman Catholic. I was hoping he would get enough emails to rethink his position. Don’t get me wrong, I agree with him on most issues but NOT with his view of birthcontrol. How Ironic it is that Hannity a staunch “conservative” who is famous for attacking liberals is actually in agreement with liberal Catholics! Please email and pray for him that he may change his mind and believe as the Catholic Church teaches.
See the it here…
Hannity a Catholic advocates contraception on his radio program and has done so for years. So, Fr. Thomas confronts him on his stance. I emailed Sean Hannity a few years ago about his stance advocating contraception because it angered me that he would do so as a professing Roman Catholic. I was hoping he would get enough emails to rethink his position. Don’t get me wrong, I agree with him on most issues but NOT with his view of birthcontrol. How Ironic it is that Hannity a staunch “conservative” who is famous for attacking liberals is actually in agreement with liberal Catholics! Please email and pray for him that he may change his mind and believe as the Catholic Church teaches.
See the it here…