Searching for faith?

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I finally discovered that pure faith doesn’t try to answer the question of life, but to be curious so that there is always a reason for the body to exist. My father would say that the only attitude a child needs is curiosity and the rest will care for itself.

It’s kind of like a treasure hunt, but in reverse. Instead of having to find certain things and then deciding whether we are truly human (both good and bad) by continuing to find the same treasure but in many forms, until it seems like you had it all along.

Salvation is something that Christ gave to all by his one sacrifice, but each of us can invoke mercy with an act of mercy, and please let’s deliver one that is welcome and necessary.

I never had not love, to my recollection. I did lose hope for the future last year, and was painfully suicidal for months. Getting over that, I finally searched for the faith that I didn’t even claim to have.

I think the faith is the pursuit of the questions and answers both, not that one is given and the other taken or found, or whatever.

Faith is the evidence of things NOT SEEN. Now, how can a person who is blind have faith? We walk by faith, NOT BY SIGHT. Also, faith comes by HEARING, and hearing by the WORD of GOD. Therefore, the living Christ is our salvation, so we need not worry. However, our bodies cannot help but take us toward works, so if there is faith is will manifest itself in works. Thus works are not evidence of faith per se, but if there is faith is cannot fail to show itself through works, even if by “show” it means believing in a way much different than Thomas who wanted to put his hands in the Lord’s side.

That said, Thomas believed and Christ acknowledged him for it. Most of us were not fortunate to meet Christ face-to-face as Jesus of Nazareth still was on the earth before or after his death and glorious reprise. Therefore, we can never actually “see” and “feel” his wounds the way Thomas did, so we have hope in the Word that those who have not seen may also be blessed, through our faith by which we “feel” the truth. This faith is, of course, a total result of the way we think and feel, including the present moment and our entire history. When all that comes into harmony, then we get a sense of well being not based on our circumstances but on our disposition to become perfect, as we cry “Abba Father” for help at becoming so.

Just some ruminations I had while doing other things…

Dear Alan

Thank you for posting your thoughts.

This part of your post struck me mostly as bolded below.

Therefore, we can never actually “see” and “feel” his wounds the way Thomas did, so we have hope in the Word that those who have not seen may also be blessed, through our faith by which we “feel” the truth.

I personally would say we all see and feel Christ Jesus’ most sacred wounds when we ourselves suffer or others suffer. It is only by exposure to human suffering that we truly grasp the depths of Divine Suffering in Christ Jesus’ Divinity and Humanity, Body and Soul and take part in His mystical sacrifice by uniting our own to Christ Jesus. We only aid our afflicted and tortured Lord when we aid each other, we engage the spiritual with the material when we aid by action and prayer for the suffering of others and ourselves. Still faith is the means of realising Christ Jesus and Christ Jesus in each other and works merit this faith by God’s grace and make it a living faith, an everyday living prayer in word and action that is a living sacrifice of self as a person cannot aid without they lay down themselves for the other; this living prayer cannot die because it truly partcipates in life, Christ Jesus, therefore is of and in Him by His grace which is truly unlimited Divine kindness, so we also must be kind.

Some would say how can God who is Love allow suffering but knowing the ‘material’ of faith, we can say it is precisely because God is Love that He allows suffering. Suffering is the Crown, the treasure in the field that looks nothing like treasure. It is precisely in suffering that we truly love each other and God and can demonstrate our love of the other who is suffering and God who suffered died and rose again and still suffers at our indifference at His and others sufferings .

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

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