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I am a Christian who has been close to Jesus since I was a child. I entered the forum to try to find others who are are searching to be closer to Jesus. The world does not offer this option. After visiting many churches, I have not found them to be very spiritual either. Write and share with me how you are working at getting close to Jesus.
Much concerned
Dear Much Concerned, I recently entered a thread similar to yours. You are not alone!!! The most important thing for us is to have a very personal relationship with Jesus. I am trying to do that by praying as much as I can during the day, giving every new situation to Him, and loving others as we want Him to love us-no matter what church they go to. The only way to God, The Father, is through Jesus.
It might help you if you read the posts that I received from Robert Heibel, Pax, and Pug!! I will be praying for you. Keep in touch.
With God’s love and mine,
Peace Seeker
Welcome to the board! Many of us here have the very same desire you have to draw closer to Jesus.

If you attend Mass it may not be obvious that those there are seeking a closer relationship with Jesus because it is corporate worship not a Bible study nor a “feel good” session. Having said that, though, we Catholics believe we cannot get closer to Jesus other than by receiving him in the Eucharist. But, you could not receive this sacrament unless you were a Catholic.

We believe one draws close to Jesus through prayer, meditation, and acts of charity towards God and neighbor. I personally read the daily Mass readings (Scripture readings read during the daily Mass celebration) and by praying Morning and Evening Prayer, which are the prayer of the whole Church around the world. These things connect me to Christ and to his Body, the Church. It’s a daily diet that bears fruit in “due season” if done faithfully and with “ardor and devotion.”
Peace Seeker:
Dear Much Concerned, I recently entered a thread similar to yours. You are not alone!!! The most important thing for us is to have a very personal relationship with Jesus. I am trying to do that by praying as much as I can during the day, giving every new situation to Him, and loving others as we want Him to love us-no matter what church they go to. The only way to God, The Father, is through Jesus.
It might help you if you read the posts that I received from Robert Heibel, Pax, and Pug!! I will be praying for you. Keep in touch.
With God’s love and mine,
Peace Seeker
Much concerned:
Thanks for answering. I will read the posts on your thread.
Much concerned
Read ‘The Cloud of Unknowing"–anonymous
also “The Imatation of Christ”–Thomas A. Kempis
and "The Ascent of Mt.Carmel’ St John of the Cross" (Dr. of the Church)
All of these sacred books guide one to a closer relationship with Christ. To apply the words to your own life is difficult and challenging, the highest challenge in this world. Humility is the key. Patience and persistance are required, but the work is rewarding. God is the highest good.–nicolo
Welcome to the board! Many of us here have the very same desire you have to draw closer to Jesus.

If you attend Mass it may not be obvious that those there are seeking a closer relationship with Jesus because it is corporate worship not a Bible study nor a “feel good” session. Having said that, though, we Catholics believe we cannot get closer to Jesus other than by receiving him in the Eucharist. But, you could not receive this sacrament unless you were a Catholic.

We believe one draws close to Jesus through prayer, meditation, and acts of charity towards God and neighbor. I personally read the daily Mass readings (Scripture readings read during the daily Mass celebration) and by praying Morning and Evening Prayer, which are the prayer of the whole Church around the world. These things connect me to Christ and to his Body, the Church. It’s a daily diet that bears fruit in “due season” if done faithfully and with “ardor and devotion.”
Della, Can you show me scriptually that only Catholics can receive the Eucharist???
Much Concerned
I believe I can help here.
Della, Can you show me scriptually that only Catholics can receive the Eucharist???
Much Concerned
As we believe that the Eucharist truly is the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, we look to the words of St. Paul in 1 Corinthians 11:27
26 For as often as you shall eat this bread, and drink the chalice, you shall shew the death of the Lord, until he come. 27 Therefore whosoever shall eat this bread, or drink the chalice of the Lord unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and of the blood of the Lord. 28 But let a man prove himself: and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of the chalice. 29 For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh judgment to himself, not discerning the body of the Lord…
If one does not hold all the beliefs of the Catholic faith, then they would be receiving the Body and Blood of Our Lord unworthily–and would therefore be eating and drinking condemnation on themselves.

Pax tecum
Much concerned:
Write and share with me how you are working at getting close to Jesus.
When I want to be close to Jesus I visit the Adoration Chapel.
I believe I can help here.

As we believe that the Eucharist truly is the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, we look to the words of St. Paul in 1 Corinthians 11:27

If one does not hold all the beliefs of the Catholic faith, then they would be receiving the Body and Blood of Our Lord unworthily–and would therefore be eating and drinking condemnation on themselves.

Pax tecum
Attending Mass during the week and receiving Christ in the Eucharist has brought me closer to him. It’s the greatest privilege we have. Another reason to be thankful I’m a Catholic.
Much concerned:
Pax Tecum, Thanks for your answer, but you did not show me scripturally where it says that you must be Catholic. I find many scriptures that say that we should hear the word of God and live it. Other scriptures say that to be a disciple of His, we must obey His word. Personally, I believe that those who hear the word of God and live it are worthy of the Eucharist and Heaven no matter what church they go to. May Jesus open your mind and soul!!!
Much concerned
I think you are missing the point. The Eucharist is not the Beatific Vision (being in heaven). The Eucharist is the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Jesus present in the host. No other denomination believes in this. Why would you want to receive the Eucharist if you do not believe Jesus is present? Pres. Clinton once received the Eucharist trying to show support for Catholics. All he showed was ignorance that should have infuriated every Catholic. To put it in perspective, imagine if a foreign diplomat had entered into the Holy of Holies of the Jewish temple.

The sacraments were left to us by Christ as a means of objectively getting closer to him. They were practiced by the early Church before the Bible was even set. I encourage you to view the the CA library and at least see that we have a justification for our beliefs and that we are fully Biblical.
Perhaps I did not make myself clear, but I truly believe that the Eucharist is the the Body and Blood and Spirit of Jesus. It is the gift of the Eucharist that gives us life. Now you know one non-catholic that believes like you!!!
Much concerned:
Pax Tecum, Thanks for your answer, but you did not show me scripturally where it says that you must be Catholic. I find many scriptures that say that we should hear the word of God and live it. Other scriptures say that to be a disciple of His, we must obey His word. It seems to me that Catholics who believe your way are bigots, thinking their way is the only way. I believe that following Jesus, not The Catholic Church is the ONLY way. Do you believe that only Catholics will be in Heaven? I know many protestants that are bigots who think that all Catholics will be in hell.(I don’t) Personally, I believe that those who hear the word of God and live it are worthy of the Eucharist and Heaven no matter what church they go to. May Jesus open your mind and soul!!!
Much concerned(about you)
In your OP you stated:

“Write and share with me how you are working at getting close to Jesus.”

In my post I have done just that. I have shared with you how I am working at getting closer to Jesus. Perhaps you should have worded your question differently if you wanted less inclusive responses.

If you really understood Catholicism you would know that attempting to be a good Catholic is attempting to follow Jesus. As for your scriptural allusions, they are Catholic teaching. We cannot merely listen to the word of God; we must put it into action. Therefore, I forgive you for calling me a bigot. I do not think that heaven will be populated exclusively by Catholics, neither am I an adherent of indifferentism.

Thank you for your concern and for your prayers and know that I reciprocate them.
Much concerned:
Perhaps I did not make myself clear, but I truly believe that the Eucharist is the the Body and Blood and Spirit of Jesus. It is the gift of the Eucharist that gives us life. Now you know one non-catholic that believes like you!!!
Maybe God is calling you to become Catholic?

To better understand the Eucharist, I would refer you to Scott Hahn’s “The Lamb’s Supper”

On a more practical note, when we Catholics go forward to recieve the Eucharist, which we believe to be Jesus, body, blood, soul and divinity, we are publicly proclaiming not only with our faith, but with our actions that we believe and accept everything the Church teaches. (There are many peoply who are “lying” by that definition but that’s for a different thread).

When we go into an adoration chapel where the Blessed Sacrament is exposed, we drop to both knees and maybe bow deeply, some prostrate themselves before him, some make the sign of the cross several times. After all, this is our KING, our Lord and Savior!

If you do believe that the Eucharist is body, blood, soul, and divinity, then you must already have the scriptural evidence…can I ask what led you to this belief? Once we understand where you are on your journey then we might be able to answer your questions rather than travel over ground you’ve already found on your own.

In answer to your first question, regarding closeness to Jesus…well, that’s a very long story so I won’t bore you. I have walked the valley of my own chosing, but God is good and would not let me go. I am always seeking to be close to him…whether in prayer…constantly. I try to direct comments to Jesus throughout the day, sometimes offering prayers for assistance in the place of saying what I really want to say. I findJesus in both the small and the large things in life.

I love Catholicism because not only do we have the opportunity to meet him personally in the tabernacle where the Blessed Sacrament is reserved, or in Adoration, but in various spiritualities within the Church. There is something for everyone, something for every mood.

Jesus does not ask us to walk an easy path, and the road he follows both draws us to him and draws us through trials…but in the end, we do not go alone.
Much concerned:
I am a Christian who has been close to Jesus since I was a child. I entered the forum to try to find others who are are searching to be closer to Jesus. The world does not offer this option. After visiting many churches, I have not found them to be very spiritual either. Write and share with me how you are working at getting close to Jesus.
Much concerned
Much Concerned,
I saw in a later posting that you believe in The True Presence of Jesus in The Holy Eucharist. This suggests strongly to me that you should investigate the Catholic Teachings and I would suggest that perhaps an Roman Catholic Instruction for Adults which is also sometimes referred to as Roman Catholic Initiation for Adults course.

After visiting many churches, I have not found them to be very spiritual either.
The word either perplexes me here. Does it mean just as the Catholic Church is not very spiritual? If so, I will share two locutions given me as I contemplated the ‘errors’ and unchristian behaviours I encountered in the True Church.
In the first I experienced coldness and darkness and then came the question,“If there is no love in this church, and you are a member of it, how much love is there in you?” Then I saw my tiny, little Baptismal candle weakly glowing in the darkness and then, from out of the darkness, came other candles that joined their light to mine making a shining glow that pushed back the darkness.
In the second instance I had just received Jesus in Holy Eucharist and had returned to my pew to kneel and contemplate the great love He had demonstrated for me by making the sacrifice He had for me. While kneeling in contemplation, an elederly nun who was being assisted to the front to receive Jesus, said as she passed where I knealt,“You know, there is nothing really wrong with me. I am just old.” And God spoke to me saying,“And so it is with My Church. There is nothing really wrong with it. It is just old. They have forgotten a few things.”
Go fishing with Truth, love and sincerity and you shall be blessed with a good catch.
One of the things that makes my heart swell with love for the Church that Christ founded is a little prayer that is said prior to the part in the Catholic Mass to the Sign of Peace:

“…Look not on our sins, but on the faith of your Church…”

To me, we ask the Lord to recognize that we are a faithful people, doing what we can, despite our faults, to gain a more holier life in and with Christ. We listen to the Word proclaimed every Sunday during our Liturgy of the Word, we are drawn to be close to him sacramentally through the Holy Eucharist, and we pray humbly to let the Lord’s teachings embrace our hearts and our minds.

I, personally, try to do more on a daily basis to get closer to the Lord. I pray my daily prayers, I read the Word in my Bible, and the recommended daily readings, I meditate and ponder on Christ’s life and sacrifice when I recite my Rosary. I also try and live the Word of the Lord by trying to live by the Teachings and be a witness to others, at work, at play, at home.

Do try and look into Catholicism to see how one in the Church that Christ founded can strengthen your relationship with Him more fully and wholly.

Much concerned:
I am a Christian who has been close to Jesus since I was a child. I entered the forum to try to find others who are are searching to be closer to Jesus. The world does not offer this option.
actually, since my life and vocation as a wife and mother is to be in the world, I have found this option in the world. This way of becoming closer to Jesus through working in the world is to daily take up my cross and follow Him, through fulfilling joyfully for His sake my daily duties, and most of all by seeing His face in everyone I meet, those I serve, those who serve me and especially in those in need of any kind.
Much Concerned:

God bless you for wanting desperately to grow in your love for Jesus Christ! So few today share your desire.

A couple of thoughts I had while reading over this thread…

You said “Pax Tecum, Thanks for your answer, but you did not show me scripturally where it says that you must be Catholic.”

Surely you realize that the scriptures were written some time before the use of the title “Catholic” became popular (perhaps in the second century). And surely you realize they were written longbefore there was any distinction between Christian and Catholic. It wasn’t until the 16th century that some Christians chose to break away from the only existing Church - at which point more than one Church began claiming to follow Christ. And so it would not make sense for St. Paul to instruct only those Christians who were in the Church Christ established to receive the Eucharist - for there wasno other church!

Second thought…

You said “I truly believe that the Eucharist is the body and blood…of Jesus.”

You happen to be absolutely right. 🙂 As you probably know, there are very few Christian churches today that teach this - the Catholic Church being the most vocal, as it is the “source, summit and center” of our faith. (Catechism of the Catholic Church)

With this in mind, I would join the others on this thread who have invited you to take a serious look at what the Catholic Church teaches (and why). I do not think you will be disappointed with what you find.

Oh…and about how I grow in my love for Christ…aside from much of what has been mentioned by others, I have found tremendous strength, encouragement and love for our Blessed Lord by reading the Lives of the Saints. They are our older brothers and sisters in the Christian family, and have given me such good advice and example - if you have not discovered them already, I’d encourage you to find a saint (Mother Teresa, St. Francis, St. Clare, St. Gemma Galgani) and learn about their life. Again, I do not think you will be disappointed with what you find.

God bless you Much Concerned. I am praying for you!
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