Second Advent and Astrological Age

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An Astrological Age is a varying period of time corresponding to the precession of the equinoxes.

The Age of Aries-Libra began sometime between 2100-1800 BC and ended between 100 BC and AD 500. The symbol of Aries is associated with War, Fire and the Ram; Libra with Love and Justice.

The Age of Pisces-Virgo began sometime between 100 BC and AD 500 and will end sometime between AD 2100-2600. The symbol of Pisces is the Fish and Spirituality; Virgo is Purity, Service and the Virgin.

The Age of Aquarius-Leo will begin sometime between AD 2100-2600. There are no current feasible estimates for its end.

Now, I know that Astrology is pagan, but ancient paganism did often point to profound truths, no? Besides, we still use pagan time scales: pagan days of the week and months of the year. There is no denying the striking alignment of the Astrological Ages with monumental events in the Bible. The Age of Aries-Libra corresponds almost perfectly from the time of Abraham through to Maccabees. The Age of Pisces-Virgo began during Christ’s lifetime and the Fall of Rome.

Also, look at the symbolism. Aries corresponds to War, Fire and the Ram. What better suits the religion of Judaism? War, destruction and new beginnings; animal sacrifice and atonement. Libra is Love and Justice; the defining characteristics of God during an Age when He is believed to have begun His final Revelation to humanity.

Pisces and Virgo? The Fish, Spirituality, Purity, Service and the Virgin. What better symbols correspond to the First Advent? Christ brought the Holy Spirit back to humanity through his sacrificial service. The Church and Christianity is essentially a religion of service to God and Man. The first Christians used the Fish as their symbol. Christ was born of a pure Virgin.

Finally, Aquarius and the Leo. Aquarius is associated with Water, the Future and the Mystical. Leo is the Lion and Drama. Water is the sign of baptism. The Lion is a symbol of Kings and Christ is called the “Lion of Judah,” the King of Kings. The parousia is the ultimate consummation (the ultimate future) and is shrouded in mystery. Christ also told us the end times will be very dramatic!

Before you say this is all just too ‘western,’ well, the Chinese and Mayans also attached great importance to the precession of the equinoxes and the Chinese have twelve astrological signs corresponding to them.
Matthew 28:18-20:
Jesus came up and spoke to them. He said, 'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go, therefore, make disciples of all the nations; baptise them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teach them to observe all the commands I gave you. And know that I am with you always; yes, to the end of time. [or, *to the end of the age

Makes you think doesn’t it? Did God drop us some hints in the stars? He did for the First Advent (Star of Bethlehem), why not look for the Second in the same place?


Peace and Blessed Advent!
Makes you think doesn’t it? Did God drop us some hints in the stars? He did for the First Advent (Star of Bethlehem), why not look for the Second in the same place?


Peace and Blessed Advent!
I think Scientifically there is no proof that the stars have any impact on our personalities, or give us a pre-destined life. God is the only one who can give us those things. I’m not saying that God won’t communicate with us in the stars or that is not possible that the stars do give us understanding of our own lives, but currently due to lack of evidence believing in such is superstitious and very dangerous.
All forms of *divination *are to be rejected: recourse to Satan or demons, conjuring up the dead or other practices falsely supposed to “unveil” the future. Consulting horoscopes, astrology, palm reading, interpretation of omens and lots, the phenomena of clairvoyance, and recourse to mediums all conceal a desire for power over time, history, and, in the last analysis, other human beings, as well as a wish to conciliate hidden powers. They contradict the honor, respect, and loving fear that we owe to God alone. CC 2116
. There is no denying the striking alignment of the Astrological Ages with monumental events in the Bible. !
yes there is grounds for denial of the claim that so-called astrological ages correspond with monumental events in the bible, or in world history generally. The events recorded in the bible happened in a geographically very small area of the globe, and affected a relatively tiny fraction of the people alive on the earth at the time. By your accounts these “ages” are 2000 years or so in length. the reigns of David and Solomon together were less than 100 yrs. For each of the violent events recorded in the bible there were long periods of relative peace and non-eventfulness. You could probably take events in the history of China, or sub-Saharan Africa or or South America, anyplace else and find coincidences in those events with the attributes of these “ages”.

Can God speak through nature? Of course, he can do anything he wants with nature. But would he reveal himself in obscure interpretations of the way stars appear to the eye of an earthly observer–stars which in reality are nowhere near each other–when he has already spoken plainly without ambiguity in his Revelation? I think not.

The labels of the stars and constellations, Libra, Aries etc. derive from Greeks and their neighbors, again a relatively tiny population of a relatively small portion of the globe, whose observations and thought covered a relatively limited period of human history. To say that the anthropomorphic qualities they attributed to these fictional constructs, based on legends of their pagan gods and demigods, somehow reflect and define God’s will and action in history is ludicrous.
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