Second interviews coming up

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Well I now know that one of my second interviews will be Friday moning at 9AM, lasting about 3 hours. I just found out that I am one of two that they have brought back for a second interview. My other second interview is Monday at 11AM and should last about an hour. I am one of three that they are bringing back for a second interview.

Going to be doing a lot of :signofcross: in the next several days.

I appreciate all your prayers for me during this time as well as for my family. Please pray that I have a safe trip home and that I am able to “knock their socks off” in the interview so I can be back in MO sooner rather than later.
Praying for all of your needs…

Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now, and at the hour of our death. Amen
Thank you both for your prayers, the favor is returned in adoration today.
I pray that you will be where God intends you to be, MM. I pray to the Holy Spirit to guide you to speak the right words…to speak in humility, yet in Christly confidence…and may they see Christ shining through you during your interviews. May the Holy Spirit provide you with wisdom for these important events! I have a feeling something awesome is about to happen…!!:yup:
Thank you again. I just found out today that I will have another interview with a different company on Friday. I have one at 9AM on Friday, 3PM on Friday and 11AM on Monday.

Thanks for your prayers!!

Mother Mary, we ask you join us in this prayer for the intentions for this family, despise not our petitions, we ask this in your Son’s name, Jesus Christ, our Love, our Life
Mother Mary, we ask you join us in this prayer for the intentions for this family, despise not our petitions, we ask this in your Son’s name, Jesus Christ, our Love, our Life
That was beautiful, thank you!!

God bless you :signofcross:
May God’s plan for you unfold as it should and give you strength and confidence on your path. We are with you in prayer and good luck.
Oh Lord, please watch over and protect MM in his travels.
Holy Spirit, please inspire him.
Heavenly Father, please provide the opportunities for him and his familiy to be together more, living and loving in your way.

Through Christ, our Lord, who died for us


All the best, MM!👍
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