I need an answer as soon as possible. I’m giving a persuasive speech in my college public speaking class. The topic I picked was the Christian belief in the immortal soul. I’m trying to use arguments that don’t presuppose the truth of the Resurrection, so it would be convincing to secularists. I’m going to argue in favor of the definition of “soul” found in the New Advent Catholic Encyclopedia: “the ultimate internal principle by which we think, feel, and will, and by which our bodies are animated.” From here, I’m going to use arguments from Tim Staples’ Seven Proofs for the Natural Immortality of the Human Soul, in order to argue for the immortality of the human soul. Unfortunately, I can’t find any arguments for the fact that there is an ultimate internal principle by which humans live. Does anybody know of a source that I could cite where someone successfully argues this? I have four days before I give my speech. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you very much!