Secular Franciscan Order: problems with my fraternity, alternative groups?

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Hi everyone,
I am about half way through the candidacy phase of the SFO and I have come to learn two things: 1) I really believe the call of lay Franciscanism is for me and 2) my fraternity is overrun with moral relativism, stupid political partisanship (I get we can have difference but at this point it’s a non-stop rant about who they don’t like), and heterodoxy (I am no rad trad but orthodoxy is as important as orthopraxy).

I am a bit torn on what to do. Should I finish my candidacy and then jump ship to a different, further away fraternity? Should I look into alternative groups (the Domestic Expression of the Brothers and Sisters of Charity interest me)? What do you all think?
I really want to deepen my relationship with Christ. I do get something out of the group prayers and readings. Faith sharing based on the readings gets bogged down in politics and heterodoxy, though.
Can you switch to a different fraternity now, even if it means restarting your candidacy?
It would be a resetting of the clock and the SFO community is pretty small so “everyone knows everyone else.”
If it were me, I’d finish formation and then switch. Assuming you can put up with it
As a Secular Franciscan myself, I am happy and glad that you are pursuing the Secular Franciscan Order. I would focus in on the candidacy first, then make your profession, and ask questions along the way. Also, pray for those who are participating in everything that you describe in your post and ask for God’s guidance and ask that St. Francis pray for you, as well. Let the Holy Spirit guide you in your endeavors and don’t get discouraged or lose hope! I will pray for your continuing conversion and for the Holy Spirit to guide you!
Your heart is in the right place so you should continue. I would not be concerned about the others what they do is between them and God. Like St Paul said, correct them once or twice and if they don’t listen, they stand self-condemned.
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