Secular franciscans informations

  • Thread starter Thread starter ayefune
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can anyone help me with informations on secular franciscans in Ghana west africa?i am currently in Ghana and would like to join the secular franciscans but there is no fraternities around in the country it is only the tssf the anglican branch that exist.
thanks and blessings
Check with the national seat of the Catholic Church, and perhaps your diocese. If nothing, confer with a priest your intent and ask him for a confession and initial blessing. You will need to start a life of conversion and do work on your own. Choose your external atire and just get out there. You will be a fraternity of one to start, and like Francis, brothers and sisters will come to you God willing. It may take 2 to 3 years for evidence of solid formation.

Eventually you will need 5 professed members to start, but I wouldn’t think of that right now. Just make a difference in the lives of others and ask Francis for help in prayer. Keep yourself spotless, and keep away from of capital sin and scandal, and accustom yourself to sacrifice and daily obstacles. Only embark on the mission in friendship with God, which means confession frequently. Study the rule of St. Francis and live by it.

Return to the priest after you have made some solid gains, and perhaps through him you will receive approbation by a diocese, and it will grow from there. Keep him informed of you accomplishments. If it was intended to grow, you will have lit a flame that will not go out.

Pax et Bonum
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