Secularism has changed. It used to mean fighting for individual rights such as free speech. “I may not agree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it”. There also was an emphasis on Reason.
I knew one of the founders of the modern Secular Humanism movement. In his Philosophy classes he insisted on students reading the classic works, including conservative writers, even if only to refute them.
In his later years he was trashed by the Left, both verbally and his property, for daring to assign politically incorrect works. His organization was revamped, quit their civil liberties focus, moved to Washington, to support big government. He is turning over in his grave now with the Free Speech zones that today’s secularists enforce on campus, the last thing he would have wanted.
A century ago the Church had to defend Faith against secularists who insisted Reason alone was sacred.
Today Christians must defend Reason in a secular media, anti-Reason culture - Cancel Culture. In the name of Diversity, diversity is getting crushed.