Thanks you to all of you. I had to ask for I believe and understand the former to be true, but my sister’s ex, the divorce couple here, insist that it means that he gets the children for two weeks on and off. He wanted two weeks and then my sister gets two weeks and than him again until summer ends. She did ask her previous attorney and she understood it as the latter. This is the reason she was found in contempt in the summer for because of child abuse at the dad’s, my sister refused the two weeks on and off until they could have gone to court. She did end up giving him two consecutives weeks in the summer. I am thinking that her old attorney did not know how to defend her well, for she was not in contempt then. She has a new attoney and we see her on Monday the 19th. We will ask her this question that I pose to all of you. Thanks again. I just wanted to see if we were crazy to think what we were for he said we were and just misunterstood the whole stipulation from the judge.
He is doing it again with his midweek visits. The stipulation reads, “Husband to have contact biweekly weekends from Friday pick up from school until return on Mondady morning plus one night each week for dinner at times mutually arranged by the parents.” He is saying that this means he gets the children on night a week for a sleep over on top of his every other weekend visit. That is not how it has been and this was a mediation agreement, where the original stipulation said he had to have the children home by 6 p.m.
My ex brother-in-law is just being a pain in the butt with my sister and using his children to get to my sister and hurt her. He then turns around and when she defends the kids, say that she is revengeful because he got remarried right away.
I wanted to ask you all something else that he does to the children that to be sounds ridiculous. My niece and nephew apparently owe money to their step sisters. The reason is that their dad has a chart which shows when a child leaves a light on in the house and in particular in someones room. It they leave the light on and forget to turn it off they have to pay $1.00 to the person who occupies that room. I don’t understand it fully, but this is what my niece has told me. They now owe a total of $4.00 and my niece is all stressed out for she doesn’t have this money. Do any of you do anything like this?