Seeing God in Everything... Too much?

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Was talking to an evangelical friend today and he was swamped with homework and stressed and about a group project. He found out that someone else in his group did a piece of the assignment he was going to and was thankful, “That God really came through for him” when his partner did that share of the work. To me, that seems like an evangelical/Protestant tendency to see God in absolutely everything, like God is responsible for the teacher cancelling class that morning. My inward response was just, “Or maybe your friend just did that work, and God doesn’t really care about your group assignment that much? Maybe it was even his will that you be challenged and have to do all this work?” Or maybe I am just not trusting God enough with those small everyday matters in my own life? Not sure what my question is exactly… What are your thoughts?
God is in everything. At the same time, God does not micromanage our lives, nor the lives of others.

God wills us to go to heaven, He provides that Grace, He does not save parking spots or do your homework.
That’s a great way of phrasing what I was thinking! Now trying to think of how to better understand and articulate that concept.
I"ve messaged the moderator and asked them to please merge the two threads on this, since OP wasn’t sure where to put the topic so made 2 threads in good faith.
He does not save parking spots or do your homework.
While I understand what you’re saying - that God doesn’t jump in and do things we were supposed to take care of ourselves - there have been MANY occasions when I have been rushing to get someplace, got delayed for some reason like a traffic snarl or some animal mess happening that I had to clean up as I was trying to get out the door, and I prayed for God to help me get where I was going and to find a parking place. I actually often pray to my Guardian Angel about the parking place.

Many times it has happened that I arrive at whatever I’m rushing to get to, and there is a parking place easily available because someone has just pulled out. In certain areas, this is nothing short of a miracle.

I always thank God and my guardian angel for that favor. If you do not, then that’s your prerogative, but I don’t think it’s right to be putting down people who do, whether they are Evangelical or Catholic.

I also went through a pretty difficult college program, I was often very stressed and sometimes it was just not possible for me to get everything done. You can bet I was praying to God, Mary, saints and angels all day and all night and was happy for every little bit of help. Not once did I sit and think, “This is stupid because God doesn’t micromanage my life and besides this is all my fault for not working harder” (especially since I was doing about the best I could under the circumstances).

That sort of thinking leads down a very bad path IMHO…the one that says, “I don’t need God, I accomplished all this under just my own power” when really we accomplish nothing without the help of God. We can only do things through God and with his help.
I know you didn’t mean to, and I know there are people who take it too far with the God did this and God did that. Whatever it is, there is someone who will manage to take it too far in some way.
But no concern is too small for God to help us if we sincerely need and ask for his help.
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