I"ve messaged the moderator and asked them to please merge the two threads on this, since OP wasn’t sure where to put the topic so made 2 threads in good faith.
He does not save parking spots or do your homework.
While I understand what you’re saying - that God doesn’t jump in and do things we were supposed to take care of ourselves - there have been MANY occasions when I have been rushing to get someplace, got delayed for some reason like a traffic snarl or some animal mess happening that I had to clean up as I was trying to get out the door, and I prayed for God to help me get where I was going and to find a parking place. I actually often pray to my Guardian Angel about the parking place.
Many times it has happened that I arrive at whatever I’m rushing to get to, and there is a parking place easily available because someone has just pulled out. In certain areas, this is nothing short of a miracle.
I always thank God and my guardian angel for that favor. If you do not, then that’s your prerogative, but I don’t think it’s right to be putting down people who do, whether they are Evangelical or Catholic.
I also went through a pretty difficult college program, I was often very stressed and sometimes it was just not possible for me to get everything done. You can bet I was praying to God, Mary, saints and angels all day and all night and was happy for every little bit of help. Not once did I sit and think, “This is stupid because God doesn’t micromanage my life and besides this is all my fault for not working harder” (especially since I was doing about the best I could under the circumstances).
That sort of thinking leads down a very bad path IMHO…the one that says, “I don’t need God, I accomplished all this under just my own power” when really we accomplish nothing without the help of God. We can only do things through God and with his help.