Seeker Church? What is the attraction!?

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Hi, I am a practicing Catholic and my brother was baptised as Catholic. He now attends a “Seeker” christian chuch Kensington. This “church” is more like an entertainment place. THey have a rock band complete with smoke and lights, performances/plays, and their preacher has a t-shirt and bluejeans on. There are no visual references to Christ. Their church is held in an auditorium and it feels more like a highschool pep ralley. I am in awe as to the pull to this type of religion! They have many followers are are growing! I would like to bring my brother back hoome to the Catholic religion, but he seems to be brainwashed! Could you give me any insight on this type of religion? OR how I can presuade him away from this church? Thanks
Hi, I am a practicing Catholic and my brother was baptised as Catholic. He now attends a “Seeker” christian chuch Kensington. This “church” is more like an entertainment place. THey have a rock band complete with smoke and lights, performances/plays, and their preacher has a t-shirt and bluejeans on. There are no visual references to Christ. Their church is held in an auditorium and it feels more like a highschool pep ralley. I am in awe as to the pull to this type of religion! They have many followers are are growing! I would like to bring my brother back hoome to the Catholic religion, but he seems to be brainwashed! Could you give me any insight on this type of religion? OR how I can presuade him away from this church? Thanks

How old is your brother? If he is young, this type of church is geared to his generation. He obviously feels that he has found a church that speaks his language.

It will be hard to “bring him back”…You can and will be open to any conversation openings dealing with Church matters…and in a calm way, but you simply cannot push the Cathoic Church in a way that will alienate him…But, you can let him know that he is always welcome to “come home” .

**When it comes right down to it, your brother will have to bring himself “home”. One day…when the newness of his new church has worn off…he will begin to miss “his” church…It may take a long time, so try to be patient. Keep praying for him. **

**Paul VI (I think) wrote an encyclical on evangelization…He said that the first and best way we can witness to others is to quietly live our Christian lives…Others will notice, and ask questions. They will want to know what it is we have that they do not. Be a silent witness for your brother. **

**Good luck to you…I know from expeience how frustrated and upset you feel. **

Catholic Heart

Seeker-sensitive churches tend to grow bland after awhile. The novelities lose their novelty, and it is difficult to sustain the energy and emotional ‘high’ that these congregations offer initially. Very few offer substantive help for a deeper walk, can offer much in the way of real comfort during rough times. Oddly–I have attended churches of this sort which have a great many members who have been through bad experiences–divorces, abuse, substance addition, prison, etcetera. In the context of these sorts of churches however one often feels obliged to act as if God is the Gread Band-Aid in the Sky Who Makes Everything Right. My sense is that seeker-sensitive churches too often offer trite or hollow answers which quickly get ragged around the edges.

In their favor: seeker-sensitive churches do offer to people who would otherwise go to church nowhere a place and a language with which to begin to worship God. Bland food is better than junk food or no food at all, which is the equivalent of what many people would gravitate towards in the absence of seeker-sensitive churches. And it is not as if many seeker-sensitive churches are not aware of their own shortcomings. Some have begun offering better, more challenging Bible studies, alternate between ‘contemporary’ and ‘more-traditional’ worship services, encourage their membership to get involved in Christian service to the poor, elderly, imprisoned, etcetera. I suspect however that the ‘seeker-sensitive’ movement will die away much like some other fads, and their membership will either drift back into inactivity or move towards more mainstream churches.
Wow, thanks for the insight. Ironically, my brother is 40. I did notice, though, that they do have a lot of younger people attending.I will continue praying for him and be a silent witness for him. THank you for replying to my question. I love this web site. I have learned so much!
Hi, I am a practicing Catholic and my brother was baptised as Catholic. He now attends a “Seeker” christian chuch Kensington. This “church” is more like an entertainment place. THey have a rock band complete with smoke and lights, performances/plays, and their preacher has a t-shirt and bluejeans on. There are no visual references to Christ. Their church is held in an auditorium and it feels more like a highschool pep ralley. I am in awe as to the pull to this type of religion! They have many followers are are growing! I would like to bring my brother back hoome to the Catholic religion, but he seems to be brainwashed! Could you give me any insight on this type of religion? OR how I can presuade him away from this church? Thanks
It’s religion as entertainment.

Catholicism is about our obligation as well as our desire to worship God. How well did your brother know his faith? Not well, I’d guess. One cannot love what one does not know. Ensure your own place at the Table of the Lord – learn the Faith, love the Faith, and let your brother witness your Faith. Entertainment eventually grows stale.

As a convert, it’s hard for me to understand how anyone can turn away from the Eucharist. I can’t live without it.

Well a catholic church like that and following the normal eucharisty would be very well :), merry christmas,
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