Seeking advice/would this be a sin also?

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New member
Warning - Women’s health-related issues. Please leave if you don’t want to read stuff related to menstruation.

I’m not looking for medical advice, but if you know a good professional Catholic medical organization that you think could help me please let me know.

So I’m a woman and I have health-related issues when it comes to my menstrual cycle. They last long and are heavy. I was hospitalized because of this twice.

I’m on birth control, but I still keep bleeding. Apparently I have a fibroid.

I don’t want children and I’m 28. I don’t want marriage either.

I’m not fornicating and hopefully never will. I’m choosing a life of celibacy.

Would getting a hysterectomy be okay? Or any procedure that would cause me to be infertile?
It seems that any therapeutic remedy, medication, or even surgery would be morally acceptable, because you have a condition that needs treatment, and clearly you have no contraceptive intent, even if the operation did end up making you sterile (as in a hysterectomy).

I would say to go with whatever your doctor recommends. And I hesitate to say this as a male addressing a woman, but I do hope your medical problem can be resolved in some way that preserves your ability to bear children one day. You are young and you could always change your mind.
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