Seeking guidance

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Hello everyone,

My apologies for not introducing myself by ‘the water cooler’ prior to posting here. I am a baptised Catholic that lost his way spiritually many years ago. Only within the past few years have I given much thought to Christ, God and the Church. I hate to admit it but this re-thinking of my spirituality seems to be a direct result of the strange happenings in my household. My only wish was that I would have thought about my spirituality prior to these occurances.

Items have gone missing around the house never to be recovered with everyone in the household swearing they have never seen them.

I awoke one morning with tiny handprints all over my chest.

The cats (we have 2 of them) will stand up on their hind legs and stare off intently at nothing that any of us can see.

My wife was closing the rear door to our apartment (back stairs that go to the doctor’s office below. The cats go down to run around at night) and somthing forcefully tried to keep the door from being closed. This was about 2:00am and no-one else lives in the building.

Every once in awhile, one of us will see fleeting images of a person or a child out of the corner of our eyes. 2 nights back, I was having a nap and awoke to the image of a young girl standing beside the bed.

About 5 years ago, I was hit with intense fatigue that lingers even today. Doctors can’t figure out what it is as all tests come back ok. My wife suffers from inexplicable migraines that even the strongest medications will barely touch.

Please forgive me for coming right out with this but it has become quite disturbing. The sense that we get is that whatever is here is anything but good. Any insight as to how to cope with this or any advice would be most welcome.

My very best regards

My first recommendation is get to a priest and discuss your situation. Make sure you receive the sacrament of Reconciliation (make sure to confess all mortal sins by kind and [approximate] number for your confession to be valid) and afterwards stay in a state of sanctifying grace (don’t commit any mortal sins). Start attending Mass every Sunday and on holy days of obligation. Here’s a link to an examination of conscience for mortal sins:

Start praying to St. Michael:

Also I highly recommend praying the Rosary:

Whether or not people believe it demons do exist. Please read Revelation 12:9

While you may have wanted to get back into you faith another way, the important thing is that you get back into your faith; it doesn’t matter what drives you to do it what matters is that you come back home. Please feel free to post any other questions that you have.

May God bless you.
If that’s where you’ll be living in the immediate future, invite a priest and have the whole house blessed affter you do what Madia recommended.

in XT.
Madia and Aquinas,

Thank you so much for your advice. I will read, pray and make a concerted effort to attend mass. Thank you once again!

All my best

I have experienced similar things.

The first thing to do is go back and be reconciled with God, (ie: recieve the Sacrament of Confession and begin attending Mass regularly and recieve the Eucharist).

Have a good, solid priest come and bless your home, and have salt, oil (olive oil, vegetable oil, etc) on hand and have him bless these items as well. If you have crucifixes and crosses, if they are not blessed, have them blessed and place them prominantly in your home.

When the priest blesses your home, he will come in and will say some prayers. He may cross all of your doorways in chrism oil and sprinkly holy water everywhere. (Oh, yes…get a spray bottle of holy water and other bottles…small and large, and keep them everywhere).

Anyway, the priest will bless every room and consecrate your home to Jesus. Your job, then, is to be reconciled with God and to remember to pray faithfully. You do not have to be a “saint” to do this…just simple prayers.

Do you know that the “Our Father” is a prayer of exorcism? So is the St. Michael prayer. And the Anima Christi.

If you can say the prayers in Latin (I can’t), all the better.

God bless you and your family …and your home!

I just wanted to add a kind of “aside”.

I was a non-practicing/rebellious Catholic for a long time, and a friend of mine encouraged me to go to daily Mass. I sometimes had a hard time dragging myself in on Sundays, and sometimes skipped entirely!

But she said that she actually liked Daily Mass better…it’s small, more intimate, and quicker. She actually felt an intimacy with Christ that she didn’t feel otherwise.

Finally, I went…and just refrained from Communion. It was as she said…small (held in our chapel), just the bare–bones liturgy…and it was beautiful.

I began to understand the Mass by attending the Daily Mass every so often, and now I try to go every day. You have no idea the graces that await you!

So I would encourage you to find a daily Mass nearby your home or work and see if you can attend. It usually takes only around 1/2 hour.

What a way for you to experience a person welcome back from Jesus himself!

(sorry for the OT post)
All good sugestions.

I’d suggest that you try telling whatever - or whoever it is - to leave in the name of Jesus Christ. Quoting scripture and praying helps to get rid of evil presences. Christ gives us authority to cast out devils in his name, so I say try that first.

I’d contact a priest if that doesn’t work.

Good luck! 🙂
as others have said, make sure you and yours are in the state of grace and regularly praying and attending the sacraments. have a priest come in and bless your home. keep blessed objects, crucifixes, etc in every room and keep holy water on hand to bless yourselves with. and pray the St. Micheal prayer. these simple actions should help.
You might also consider having a Mass said for the souls of those who you see in your home.
You might also consider having a Mass said for the souls of those who you see in your home.
excellent advice especially now on the eve of All Souls day. Also have a serious discussion with everyone in the household. Has anyone in the past been involved in any occult practices. Scour the house, are their books, videos, CDs etc. on astrology, witchcraft, other occult works, oija board, tarot cards, new age crystals and paraphernalia? get rid of it preferrably by burning, or at least trashing it so it does not spread ot anyone else. Have the house blessed by a priest after you do this, and if you have a crucifix and religious images, have them blessed and place them in the home. This is not by way of superstition, but by way of consecrating your home to Christ and asking his protection and the intercession of Mary and the saints for your household.
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