I’m stumbling in my journey to the faith and I need help… I am baptized and confirmed Lutheran, but i was never overly devote and has not practiced in a very long time. However, i first felt compelled to baptise my son. To do this I had to join a church. i tried several in my area, and different demonimations. unable to feel at home at any of them, i one day felt pulled to catholism. I’ve been reading the catechism and the bible, and most days, tthe daily mass readings at the suggestion of an RCIA counselor (I’m not current enrolled in the program yet)… I feel the Holy Sprit in those actions, but my Mass experience has been lack luster. I’ve gone to Mass twice, but both times I’ve had to remove myself from the service (before seeing the Eucharist ) because my toddler son is not the best attendee. I honestly feel more and truthfully miss taking communion (i know its not the eucharist but i still felt connected to that moment in that upper room). Right now, i get a big empty feeling in the pew. Another big issue is my husband. he was baptised and confirmed methodist, although not very regious and is completely against my desire to become Catholic. I feel like apart from a very direct intervention by God, he will not budge. This is causing great strif in the marriage and it will be even bigger when it comes to our son and future baby (pregnant–natural family life planning went a little awry or was deliberately overruled by not us-there is a differing opinion on that one in the marriage).
Prayers for you! I can relate a lot…I am also converting and I know how it can be attending mass alone while pregnant with a wiggly tot in tow! My husband is also not at all interested in converting, but he is supportive and doesn’t have problems with raising our kids Catholic so I don’t know what to say about that one. I continue to pray for him, I second the other poster that says it may be easier at first to “get into” mass if you go alone. I personally fell in love with mass early on in my journey after reading more about it. I can’t remember exactly what I was reading, some stuff here and there on the internet.
But I do recommend “Catholicism for Dummies” and the (free download) Luke E. Hart series on
Its great that you have been in contact with the RCIA team and they are helping you out. RCIA can be an interesting journey for sure…I pray you have a good class. Don’t let it get you down however, if it doesn’t live up to your expectations. Try to really connect with the people you meet there, and try to participate in other events too where you meet people in the church.
On tots in mass in general, lots of people recommend a front row seat so they can really see whats going on, of course that means a longer walk if you have to leave…we try to split the difference. I also bring a few small quiet fiddle toys for mine in my purse, I start out with no toys and slowing introduce them as she gets restless. A small notepad and a pen usually work well too. New toys work the best, or toys that she hasn’t seen in a while. The dollar store is good for this, where you can grab several small inexpensive toys for them. I make her sit in the pew and don’t let her feet touch the ground. Also, I try to make a big production of getting ready to go to church, dressing her up and telling her that we are going to church and its a special time, she had to be very good, we are going to see Jesus…etc. And I feed her breakfast and then have her fill up on snacks just prior to leaving and in the car so she won’t be grumpy. And most importantly, I PRAY she will be quiet! Of course, these tactics that I’ve learned from moms on this forum have helped greatly, its not always perfect! I wish my church had a cry room!
Praying for you, if you have any more questions, vents, rants, etc, we are here for you!