Selective abortions problem. The message that the priests of Holy See of Ciicia, Georgian Church, East Syria, Chaldean Catholic Church should mention

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I was listening one interview of the doctor from Caucasus, where he mentioned about selective abortions problem in his state.
I reaized that it’s worthy for a priests to mention more frequently about this problem in their message to the faithful.
Some Christian states are surrounded by Muslim states, and historical necessity praised the birth of the males, the warriors.
The families who have more sons in these male-oriented societies are considered blessed and proud in dignity family.
In Caucasus for example, the birth of a boy is a great event, the cause of party at which the men celebrate both the arrival of the baby-boy (the future warrior) in songs.
Even New Year wish voices the preferences: May all the women have boy babies, it says, and may all the cattle have female offspring.)
What is interesting that historically, the pioneer messangers of Christ came first to these people, to these nations.
These Christian (today mostly secular) states surrounded by Muslim empires have bitter history of centuries of wars.
There were times when population there was reduced to half, or two thirds (Georgia) but what I think is that the husbands should not forget that the women are the once who can preserve and save the Christian civilization.
Women are the creatures who brought us to this life.
And in esthetic sense, the women from Lebanon, Georgia and in those states are among the most inspiring creatures on the planet.
I was last year in Tbilisi (on sport competition) and when you walk at the evening at Rustaveli avenue, the women look like a queens from the magazines.
So, you know - the husbands who force their wife’s to commit selective abortions are co-participating not only in mortal sins, but brutally destroy the genetical code of the nations.
Of course the problem of abortion is the modern problem.
Of course, in those still conservative places of the world(comparably with the rest) Christianity is the soul of the nations but there is there the bitter reality of the problem of selective abortions.
So, you know - the husbands who force their wife’s to commit selective abortions are co-participating not only in mortal sins,
Direct abortion is grave matter. The person must know it is grave matter and do the act intentionally knowing it is grave matter in order for sin to be mortal.

A woman who is forced is not committing a mortal sin. A husband who does not know the gravity of the sin, or who has very possibly been raised to find the act necessary or even noble, do you see how they are not committing a mortal sin?

I’ve yet to meet a priest nor witness a Bishop’s Conference that does not have a strong message of the intrinsic value of life from conception til natural death. A pastor leads his flock not only in homilies, but in many other was of communication.

Pray for priests in parts of the world where Christianity is dangerous. Trust the Holy Spirit to guide them in the way to lead their flock.
I am not sure why in your build up to your point you mentioned Muslims so much. I would like to add that Muslims consider abortion to be wrong as do we.

Of course selective abortion is a grave sin as is all abortion. However, it is incredibly stupid and lacks foresight. China has a serious problem with many men having little or no opportunity to marry. Girls there are aborted in utero or killed after birth. There is now an imbalance in their population of far more men than women.

When any culture favours boys (and most do) and this leads to a preference for the birth of a boy and evils acts committed to kill girls where do these ignorant people think that future boys are going to come from and who are those boys going to marry, and who is going to do all the work? Because let’s be bluntly honest in these cultures it’s women who do the majority of the work and hold the society together.
“Surrounded by Muslim States” I mean the emphesizing the historical cult of warrior man.
It’s a cross, its a bitter historical cross of these Christian states.
Armenia, Georgia, Lebanon, Assyria, Chaldean Christianity.
Of course, pre-Islamic invasions took also place in those lands, but constant historical need for militarization created this neglect of women.
In rural areas of Caucasus, for example - men do not like very much to help their wives.
For example, no help of course with washing up or the cooking.
It’s a duty of women.
Of course the women have more rights and freedoms then in Muslim countries but in restaurants mostly men, in cafes you see more women, who soon hurry up to do their home tasks and so on.
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I am just thinking about Caucasus.
After the Russian war on Northern Caucasus (1990th. Republic of Itchkeria) most men were killed, but the women there were able to restore the population in about 20 years.
Of course, due to a strong tradition of motherhood, due to life-culture and contrary to the culture of death the population was restored.
The Caucasus men, in meaningful majority preserved the authentic European, Mediaval type of psycho of Christian Warrior (Svans, Ossetians, some Armenians… )and some of these people preserved the desire for conservatism of values , in metaphysical sense.
(I think this Mediaval fearless psycho type is slowly disappearing)
The cosmos of male psycho is- warrior abilities, sacrifice, valour, risk, avantures, fearless of unknown, superhuman victories against circumstances, and so on.
But the cosmos of women basicly it’s a power of stability, comfort, peace, predictiveness.
I mean the qualities that are needed to build the stable, safe, fruitful future.
By the way, - some Islamic apologists say that these features are the features of Anglo-Saxon Imperialism, The features of Western world, and real man’s (Caucasian) features are the once I mentioned above.
In my opinion, those radical Islamic scholars are simply possessed by envy and hateness towards the West.
If you are against stability, peace, prosperity, then your militant maniacal theology is destructive.
In my opinion there should be the balance, and if God through the laws of nature produce both - men and women it’s a God’s order.
I think the selective abortions, as acts contrary to human nature, especially in Caucasus its an evil with future consequences, (something much more evil than ecology of Caucasus mountains which can be polluted by human neglect.)
Unfortunately the abortions are reality in a secular world, on the other side the Western values bring(should bring) to that part of the world- democracy, rights, order, freedom from sub human slavery.
Christian countries of Caucasus in many aspects are good examples for Iran, and other Muslim States to change their political systems.
Of course the life of women in Christian states are incomparable with Muslim States in the terms of rights.
Abortions in a Christian (secular now) states take place open, in Muslim world it takes place hiddenly, secretely.
Caucasus is definitely the future battle of ideologies (radicals, ISIS, secular, and so on) and of course the Church experience and will experience its exams of faith there.
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