So your self-evident equality would read:
StraightLine = ShortestDistanceBetweenTwoPoints
yet self-evident would not read:
Socrates = Socrates
You wrote “we are continually coming in and out of existence” and " if one is alive they must’ve been dead" - the last phrase, may have been a misstatement of something like this " if one is alive they must’ve been **nothing **prior to being alive" ???
Do you mean “we” individually are repeating existence, non-existence? or that each individual "was not, then IS, then dies (or suffers corruption)?
(I do not think of there existing a “not-alive Me being”, but I am only “Me Being” if and while I am alive, - which would not contradict me, my soul, being after this body dies and is no longer part of me but is a corpse.)
God, the eternal (no before, no after), knows all.
One thing he knows is something “not-God” that is also “not-eternal”.
He always knows this “not-God”, and the “not-God” has its being just as it is known by God, meaning temporally, without God suddenly doing a “movement” to “now create”.
He knows the “not-God” as “dependent, contingent on cause”, and it “is”.
He knows his union with the “not-God” and, therefore, that it will be eternal in its future, “redeemed reality” - not independently eternal, but “participating in the eternal as one contingent united to its cause”.