I’ve been reading a book called “To Save a Thousand Souls” by Brett A. Brannen. First off, this is a great book to any one considering the Diocesan priesthood. Secondly, there is one part of the book that got me worried. It talks about how self mutilation, in any form, is an impediment to joining the priesthood. Now, I used to be a self injurer about a year ago, but due to group therapy, a lot of encouragement from friends, and my college Jesuit priest, I can be happy to say I have stopped self injury and have no desire to ever continue it. However, I did tell me local vocation director about it, and wants to talk with me about them. I think I am more worried than I should be, because it’s not like I continue the habit. There are about 20-25 scars on each of my shoulders. I had self injured as a way of coping with a close friend’s of mine suicide. Does any Apologist know if this is a permanent impediment to becoming a priest? And I’ve been looking into religious order priests as well, particularly the Jesuits, would this stop me from possibly becoming one of them as well?
I know in my heart that God is calling me to spread the His Word. I’m just not sure exactly how yet, (Diocesan or religious order priesthood).
Also, I don’t know if this matters, I was permanently disqualified from joining the military (at one point I wanted to become a military chaplain) but was told that although I am “mentally stable” (they sent me to various psychologists that told me I had recovered) they refused entrance to me.
I know in my heart that God is calling me to spread the His Word. I’m just not sure exactly how yet, (Diocesan or religious order priesthood).
Also, I don’t know if this matters, I was permanently disqualified from joining the military (at one point I wanted to become a military chaplain) but was told that although I am “mentally stable” (they sent me to various psychologists that told me I had recovered) they refused entrance to me.