Selling tapes and cooperation

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I bought episodes of a family TV series that come two episodes per vhs tape. Most of the shows are fine, but one of the two-episode tapes portrayas a Christian family consulting a Ouija board, the outcome of which is a dead mother saving her child. I hate the episode for this and wanted to reclaim the money I paid for the tape by selling it, but since it is impossible to seperate the bad episode from the good, and I warned the buyer that the occult was nothing to fool; arround with, and they said they like scary stories and don’t believe Ouja boards work, can I still in good conscience sell this tape?
I wouldn’t…I would get rid of it. Why pass on something of the occult that might harm someone else. At least you had the good sense and God’s grace to see it for what it is…:twocents: Annunciata
I wouldn’t…I would get rid of it. Why pass on something of the occult that might harm someone else. At least you had the good sense and God’s grace to see it for what it is…:twocents: Annunciata
I agree with you…once I bought a book and was not pleased at the content so I threw it away. The first book was okay…it was Embraced by the Light and delt with near death experience…well, the second book the auther did was just too weird…I did not want to pass this on even for free so threw in the garbage.
this discussion is very unclear to me, why are you buying these tapes in the first place if they misrepresent Christian teaching? If they are part of a series, and one episode has such nonsense, than that way of thinking will permeate the writers and producers, and infect the rest of the programs. Sounds like something you will just have to drop.

Same with books, why not just stay out of so-called Christian bookstores, where you don’t know what your are getting, and even Catholic publishers who push dissent and heresey. Get to know who the reliable Catholic authors and publishers are. Time is too short to waste on reading or viewing junk.
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