While delivering my second child five weeks ago via emergency C-section, my OB discovered that I have a septate uterus - that is, there is a septum separating my uterus down the middle. Because we didn’t know about the condition the first time around and the doctor who delivered the baby didn’t make the best choice, my two-year-old daughter has brain damage and a learning delay. My son was very small for a full-term baby but is healthy and thriving, thank God.
I’m wondering if anyone else has this same condition, what your experieces have been, and what decisions you’ve made regarding removal surgery, childbirth, and child-spacing. My husband and I want to honor God and would gladly welcome any and all children He wishes to give us, but we are naturally concerned about the high risk for miscarriage, stillbirth, and brain injury due to a compromised placenta.
I’m wondering if anyone else has this same condition, what your experieces have been, and what decisions you’ve made regarding removal surgery, childbirth, and child-spacing. My husband and I want to honor God and would gladly welcome any and all children He wishes to give us, but we are naturally concerned about the high risk for miscarriage, stillbirth, and brain injury due to a compromised placenta.