Septate Uterus - Anyone Else?

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While delivering my second child five weeks ago via emergency C-section, my OB discovered that I have a septate uterus - that is, there is a septum separating my uterus down the middle. Because we didn’t know about the condition the first time around and the doctor who delivered the baby didn’t make the best choice, my two-year-old daughter has brain damage and a learning delay. My son was very small for a full-term baby but is healthy and thriving, thank God.

I’m wondering if anyone else has this same condition, what your experieces have been, and what decisions you’ve made regarding removal surgery, childbirth, and child-spacing. My husband and I want to honor God and would gladly welcome any and all children He wishes to give us, but we are naturally concerned about the high risk for miscarriage, stillbirth, and brain injury due to a compromised placenta.
I’m so sorry about your problem, it’s a heartbreaking condition to find yourself in. Are corrective surgeries available?
I’m so sorry about your problem, it’s a heartbreaking condition to find yourself in. Are corrective surgeries available?
I’m only now beginning to do research on this, but it appears that there are two types of surgery available. My doctor, whom I trust very much, does not advise surgery, believing there would be too much resulting scar tissue. Apparently there are some doctors who do, though.
About three years ago, I discovered that I had a bicornuate uterus, which is pretty much the same as a septate uterus. I also had a septum partially seperating my uterus. My condition was discovered after a miscarriage. I did a lot of research on this when this happened. I wasn’t Catholic, or even a “practicing” Christian, so my research was purely scientific. I decided to get the surgery to remove the septum. Since this, I got divorced and have remarried. My husband and I are practicing NFP, and will be attempting pregnancy soon. I’m a little worried about this because the doctor that did my surgery told me that I should try to conceive as soon as possible after healing from the surgery because excessive scar tissue can develop, and cause miscarriage or the inability to get pregnant. But, he told me that there was good chance that I’ll be totally fine, and ok to get pregnant whenever I do try. Now that I’m Catholic, and have faith in our Lord, I give it up to Him. If you need to chat more on this, feel free to email me at
I’ll pray that you’ll receive strength, and help in making this decision.
I had a septate uterus. It was the cause of 2 miscarriages and was discovered after the 2nd. I had 2 surgeries to remove what I called the “wall” down the middle of my uterus, and have had a successful pregnancy since then. Of course, carrying my son to term had it’s own problems, but none that I am aware of had to do with the surgeries. Chances are, you’ll be fine.
Mom of one:
I had a septate uterus. It was the cause of 2 miscarriages and was discovered after the 2nd. I had 2 surgeries to remove what I called the “wall” down the middle of my uterus, and have had a successful pregnancy since then. Of course, carrying my son to term had it’s own problems, but none that I am aware of had to do with the surgeries. Chances are, you’ll be fine.
I also had two surgeries to remove the septum in my uterus. It’s encouraging to know that you’ve had a successful pregnancy after your surgeries. How long was it before you got pregnant after your surgeries?
My wife and I have just been diagnosed with a septate uterus (OK, just my wife, but were in this together). We are meeting with the Dr. next week to discuss the procedure for removal, and will likely have it done next month. We also have had two miscarraiges. We are thanking God that we live in a time when this could be discovered instead of loosing child after child.

For the record, there is a difference between a bicorneate uterus and a septate. It has to do with the outside shape of the uterus. We would be happy to talk to others with this condition. Please feel free to PM us.

Peace and Love
I’m wondering why everyone’s doctor but mine advocates the surgery. :confused: Maybe because I haven’t miscarried? Seems to me I’d have the same risk of that as anyone else with a septate uterus, though, so it certainly could happen.
I also had two surgeries to remove the septum in my uterus. It’s encouraging to know that you’ve had a successful pregnancy after your surgeries. How long was it before you got pregnant after your surgeries?
About a year. But I wasn’t exactly trying, either. :o
My best friend had this and suffered 4 miscarriages and 10 years of infertility til diagnosed. I don’t remember how it was treated, but she did go on to deliver two healthy babies. After all that, she made her husband get a vasectomy, so we’ll never know how many more she would have had. 😦
Hello, I am 19 years old and my gyn just diagnosed me with uteran septate. I guess I was lucky because I wasnt pregnant when I found out, it was just a normal doctor visit. After the first week of me crying myself to sleep, I did a lot of research on the subject.

for one- never trust one doctor. the second you hear something a little alarming you, you get copies of your reports and go to get 2nd opinion. also, ther are people that can have regular pregnancies with the septum. it also is a prime ingredient for TWINS! in my opinion i feel like it’s possible that it can be heriditary, I never read this, but twins run in both sides of my family.
There are worster things, a uteran septum can be corrected with surgery if it is needed. sometimes, nothing really needs to be done at all. good luck!
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