DD attends a Catholic High School. The school requres a minimum of 40 hours of earned service credits: volunteering at a shelter/hospital/soup kitchen/habitat for humanity, etc. Without the service credits, student can’t be promoted. DD and a few friends turned in their hours early in the first semester, and continued to work on volunteer projects throughout the year without asking for vouchers to turn in.
Anyway, this weekend, about 70 students showed up for a habitat for humanity type event, most of whom had no previous service credits – this only a month before final exams. DD and the other kids who had already turned in all their service points for the year were ridiculed by those who were making a last ditch catch up effort to complete service hour requirements.
Should I address this with the school, or just be grateful that DD and friends gave good testimony in word and deed to the other kids?
Anyway, this weekend, about 70 students showed up for a habitat for humanity type event, most of whom had no previous service credits – this only a month before final exams. DD and the other kids who had already turned in all their service points for the year were ridiculed by those who were making a last ditch catch up effort to complete service hour requirements.
Should I address this with the school, or just be grateful that DD and friends gave good testimony in word and deed to the other kids?