Service project for Knights of Columbus

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Over Christmas in my visiting parish, one of my friends in choir loaned me a book that he got from a Knights of Columbus council there. It was called “Rediscover Catholicism” by Matthew Kelly. It turns out that the Knights were giving away free copies of it for evangelization. It occurred to me that perhaps my home council could do a similar thing for the year of faith. However I received a somewhat lackluster response when I brought it up at the meeting, so I am not sure if we will get a lot of volunteers or a lot of money to do it. But I was hoping to have you of the lazyweb help me brainstorm ideas for easy cheap things we could possibly do to evangelize either the parish, or better yet, local non-Catholics.

This book cost about $8 apiece so I think it would be outside our budget to obtain a significant number to distribute. Perhaps some pamphlets or something small from TAN books. Or another idea altogether would be welcome. I could probably wrangle $200-300 to spend if I generate enough enthusiasm next month. Thanks for any help you can give me!
I also got a free copy of Mathew Kelly’s book at my parish. About a year ago I also picked up a free pamphlet titled “This We Believe” from Human Life International website is Pretty neat little folded piece of paper that has several Prayers, definitions, Works of Mercy, The Beatitudes, etc. The pamphlet was free to me, I’m not sure who placed it in the back of our church but I have held on to it for more than a year and use it as a bookmark, I also look to it for occasional advice. I’m sure they are cheaper than $8 per page. Not sure if this is what you are looking for, but I hope it helps.
If you order a certain number you can get them for $2 a piece. We ordered them for our whole parish thanks do a generous donation by a parishioner. Perhaps you can get a well off parishioner to underwrite the purchase.
Our diocese puts together bullk book orders. They have to get 500 or more in an order to get the discount price. They just got Rediscovering Catholicism for $2/book. So we wil be distributing at our parish.

You could look at going in with another council to get up to the 500 book mark and contact the publisher about a bulk order.
Our council did this a few years back as an Easter gift to the parishoners. Since then, we have done this with a few other Matthew Kelly books. This is a great idea!
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