We use Seton to homeschool our four children. We have the three oldest 12,11&10 doing 6th grade and one going into first.
I signed up one to send in his work for grading so I could see how things are done as far as grading…to see how many points they count for each question etc. I really need the lesson plans!!
It is much easier for me to rely on there schedule as opposed to mine which would be irresponsible.
The only drawbacks I “feel”-based on laziness I suppose-revolve around the book analysis due each quarter. It is never like a normal book report. They require a thesis. You must not simply tell what happened in the book. They want you to analyze the story for the underlying meaning…etc.
My son did one so far above his grade level the grader thought he was a highschool student and gave him an 92.
When I saw the grade, I was quite shocked at how “low” it was. Then we resent it in and they re-graded, explaining what happened…they raised the grade. It ttok him so long to do it. He spent so much time on it.
I do not know if I even want to go through it again! He was very obsessed with impressing them. It really takes a lot, though.
So, then I have one son with epilepsy who is difficult to homeschool due to the disease-absence seizures- and the meds.
It is hard for him to do the memory work. They have to memorize VERBATIM the Baltimore Catechism. The whole thing.
I love Seton, do not get me wrong! It is very difficult though with four of them. This is an example of following their curriculm for one DAY:
Religion:Religion 6 For Young Catholics Week ** (3 pages of reading then work page. Baltimore Catechism:Memorize a couple of pages of Q&A’s…Bible History 10 pgs reading then answer Q’s…
Reading:Reading assignment-do Q&A’s, a workbook 1-2 pgs
Math: whatever you think, we use Saxon
English:Voyages-old ed. 4 pgs reading…Q&A’s, write paragraph on ******, etc.
Science reading and workbook assignment
History: chapter reading assignment and discussion questions and assignment for notebook.
Music:whatever you choose
Spelling-A workbook with words that must be alphabetized
then with syllabication. Takes a while.
Vocabulary:Look up each word to write definitions that must be memorized verbatim.
Whew! Hopefully I haven’t missed anything,…oh, read your book report book or work on it. Plus work in some leisure reading time…
I haven’t figured out how to amend this to make it really be feasible for us yet. Still in the works.
Love in Jesus,
Shelby Grace