Seven Deadly Sins

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Where do the Seven Deadly Sins come from? Are they found in the Bible or is there some other source?
Originally, they come from Evagrius Ponticus. There is a bit of a discussion of his work in Andrew Louth’s The Origins of the Christian Mystical Tradition, published by Clarendon Press (isbn: 0-19-82668-5)
Are you referring to pride, avarice, envy, wrath, lust, gluttony and sloth?
You can find it in the Catechism: 1866. "Vices can be classified according to the virtues they oppose, or also be linked to the capital sins which Christian experience has distinguished, following St. John Cassian and St. Gregory the Great. They are called capital because they engender other sins, other vices. ( Cf. St. Gregory the Great, "Moralia in Job, 31, 45:PL 76,621A.)

Hope this helps.
Are you referring to pride, avarice, envy, wrath, lust, gluttony and sloth?
Those are the ones.
Where do the Seven Deadly Sins come from? Are they found in the Bible or is there some other source?

I wish I could send you this writing from “Our Sunday Visitor’s Encyclopedia Of Catholic Doctrine” Edited by Russell Shaw 1997.

The Seven Deadly Sins … I believe more correctly called the Capital Sins.

Taken out of the book:-----

Not because they are the most serious - indeed they are not always mortal sins - but because they often lead to other sins. They are the “heads” (Latin: capita) of other sins, in the sense that they provide the goals for the sake of which we are tempted to commit other, perhaps more serious, sins.--------

It goes on to say: ----

So, in sinning, one wills something that is in itself good, but one does so in an inordinate way ------

Pride is called the beginning of all sins (Sir 10:13)

avarice: an inordinate desire for wealth, the root of all vices, since it enables one to commit the other sins (1 Tim 6:10)

I’m sure the rest can be pulled out of Scripture.

It also list suggested readings:

CCC 1865-1866.

St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, Pt. I-II,q. 84.

I’m sure SOMEONE on here can help you more … if not maybe go to Ask An Apologist forum.

Bless you,

Dear Joe

I have to ask you why have you chosen the name John 666?

Why the 666? to me it seems an odd Catholic screen name

Don’t quote scripture at me I know the relevance of St John and the Book of Revelation and 666, after 33 years I know my scripture :rotfl: , so why did that attract you to that name?

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Dear Joe

I have to ask you why have you chosen the name John 666?

Why the 666? to me it seems an odd Catholic screen name

Don’t quote scripture at me I know the relevance of St John and the Book of Revelation and 666, after 33 years I know my scripture :rotfl: , so why did that attract you to that name?

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

🙂 Hello … and sorry this isn’t really under the topic thread. But to answer you Teresa I chose John666 because my first choice “maccabees” had already been taken. Maccabees means “hammer” in Hebrew. My email

So then I chose John666, as in the Gospel according to John Chapter 6 verse 66. The turning away of disciples at Jesus’ “hard” teaching on the Bread of Life. Which I jokingly relate to the mark of the beast … 666 and people not believing in the Eucharistic food at Mass/Liturgy, and their turning away from the Church’s Teaching.

The verse reads:

“As a result of this, many of his disciples returned to their former way of life and no longer accompanied him.”

Also, congratulations on your knowing Scripture!

God Love you,

Hi Joe

I’m laughing my head off because I can’t know my scripture that well as it didn’t occur to me it may be to do with the scripture of John (cp6 v66)…you have an excellent mind !! Great comparison also!! Thank you for taking the time to answer my stupid question, I just kept thinking everytime I saw your name…:confused: oeeerrrr …why 666? So now I know and my nosiness has paid off 😃 .

I love your way of thinking Joe

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

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