Catholics should be aware of what the Seventh Day Adventists preach about us on 3ABN, cable television. I started watching this because they have good cooking shows on BUT they also have many horrid preachers that say horrible things about Catholicism. They have these little talk shows on 3ABN and invite ex-Catholics on that have converted to SDAs to speak about the evils of the Catholic Church.
Among many other false beliefs, they claim that: the Pope is the antiChrist because the Roman Numerals on his headpiece add up to 666; the Catholic Church is the whore of Babylon; and we are all doomed because the Catholic Church changed the day of the sabbath to Sunday. They condemn us for honoring Mary and say that she was a sinner like all of us, no better. According to them, the Catholic Church sprung out of pagan religions and it is not the “one true Church”. They call themselves “The Church”.
They quote Revelations from the Bible a lot and refer to the Church as the dragon with seven heads.
They follow dietary laws of the Old Testament and don’t eat meat. They don’t wear jewelry.
This is the fastest growing church in the U.S. today and in almost every country. The SDA has almost as much wealth as the vatican.
My daughter has called the station and complained, but of course, we have freedom of speech and nothing can stop their terrible attacks.