Sex Education in School

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Wow. I have to be honest. That made me laugh right out loud. A little on the alarmist side, IMO.
Wow. I have to be honest. That made me laugh right out loud. A little on the alarmist side, IMO.
Don’t be fooled. Robbing a young child of its innocence with thoughts about sexual intercourse years before they need to know about it takes a toll on a child’s psyche. What’s not funny are the high levels of promiscuity, abortion, and suicide among they youth, not to mention all the perversions being taught to children in public schools. As if teaching boys and girls about sex and handing out condoms in school is not going to usher youngsters into sexual activity. And then people wonder why suicide rates are so high among the young; after a girl has been sexually active and worn out by the time they are 14 and young boys are addicted to pornography.
At isn’t a black or white issue. There are many degrees of education.
Well, as the good priest explained, teaching young, and even little boys and girls about sexual intercourse has an effect on the mind introducing temptations to impurity and sex much earlier than a more mature mind.
Well, as the good priest explained, teaching young, and even little boys and girls about sexual intercourse has an effect on the mind introducing temptations to impurity and sex much earlier than a more mature mind.
5 year olds of average intelligence often want to know and ask where babies come from. They notice their bodies are different from siblings of opposite sex and they ask why. What do you suggest are appropriate responses to these questions?

I knew where babies came from before I started kindergarten. I knew how they were born. My psyche wasn’t damaged in the slightest.

I would say there is a far greater risk of psyche damage when a nine year old still doesn’t understand how sex works or where babies come from.

Honestly, a basic, age-appropriate biology lesson is all that is required. Throw in whatever values you wish. Much better than kids not knowing the proper terminology for their anatomy, or why they have it.
Again, exposing children to sex at a young age, means the devil can begin seducing and perverting children at a younger age ushering them right into the culture of impurity and death; that is, premarital sex, artificial contraception, abortion, alternative lifestyles, suicide, etc. As if there isn’t an epidemic of that among the young already. Teaching children as young as 5 about self- stimulation and alternative lifestyles is an example of the rot children are being exposed to in many “sexual education” programs, including how to use condoms, etc.
First, Fr. John Hardon is one of the holiest men I know of, so worth listening to very carefully.

Second: as far as I can recall, the Church has never approved of what is called “sex education” and in fact has spoken against it. See here, some sections paraphrased below:

Vatican II stated that children should be given prudent sex education in the heart of the family, something Pope Pius XI has taught in 1921.

A 1931 decree of the Holy Office said that “no approbation whatever can be given” to group sex education, and that precautions must be taken to see that young people avoid all occasions of sin. The decree was reaffirmed in 1953 by Pius XII.

Pope Pius XII also stated in 1951 that only parents should give sex education, and in Sacra Virginitas he condemned immodest sex education. Prophetically, in an address to families, he urged them to fight the writings concerning “sex initiation”.

If some of these names sound “too old” to some, St. Paul VI, in an address on September 13, 1972, classed sex education along with erotic literature and pornography as one of the evils of the day.

The article is more in depth, I just wanted to show the Church’s consistent teaching on the issue: teach at home, teach prudently.
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Teaching children as young as 5 about self- stimulation and alternative lifestyles is an example of the rot children are being exposed to in many “sexual education” programs, including how to use condoms, etc.
Not sure why you seem to be equating this with all sex education programs.

So glad my very devout parents saw things differently. It may have helped that they were both in the medical profession. We were educated about sex before we left the house to go to school. Mom didn’t want us learning from kids on the playground the kinds of things that kids learn on the playground (and accept as true because no adult has given them the dignity of explaining how our bodies work) . We all turned out just fine. We used proper terminology and respected how God created us. I don’t know where some of these ideas come from, to be honest.

When my child was in third grade, a classmate said his parents went to the hospital to pick out a baby and brought it home the next day. His mother was pregnant for nine months and they never explained how it worked. Other kids in the class were ruthless, first making fun of him for not knowing where babies come from, and then for thinking they actually get selected at the hospital like a loaf of bread.

I guess we have to agree to disagree on this subject.
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Teaching children as young as 5 about self- stimulation and alternative lifestyles is an example of the rot children are being exposed to in many “sexual education” programs, including how to use condoms, etc.
My children are in public elementary school. My oldest is 9 and has never had a sex education class or a class that talks about masturbation, sexual orientation, or sex reassignment. Not all public schools are like what you describe.
My children are in public elementary school. My oldest is 9 and has never had a sex education class or a class that talks about masturbation, sexual orientation, or sex reassignment. Not all public schools are like what you describe.
I second this. My daughter was in middle school so 12-13 before the health class went beyond the differences in male/female bodies.

I took control of teaching my child at an early age what was age appropriate for her, based on her questions. I found really good books to help me. The first one was “It’s So Amazing!: A Book about Eggs, Sperm, Birth, Babies, and Families”. It’s in cartoon format and is excellent for preschoolers and early elem ed ages.
We were educated about sex before we left the house to go to school. Mom didn’t want us learning from kids on the playground the kinds of things that kids learn on the playground (and accept as true because no adult has given them the dignity of explaining how our bodies work) . We all turned out just fine. We used proper terminology and respected how God created us. I don’t know where some of these ideas come from, to be honest.
This is how I tackled teaching my daughter. Again, age appropriate, based on her questions to me, we read books on the subject and the lines of communication were wide open. No question went unanswered although sometimes I had to take a deep break and mutter “help me Jesus” before replying (and he always did 😉 )!
Not sure why you seem to be equating this with all sex education programs.
So glad my very devout parents saw things differently.
Maybe you are unfamiliar with what children are being taught these days in school. Not all schools use the same programs, but there are national guidelines that were adopted from Planned Parenthood. And realize that not all children are going to come home and tell you what they learned in sex class. And, as if all that sex education is making society better. Simply look at the statistics.

But the reality of sex education in school has a purpose that goes far beyond teaching children the facts about life; at its root it has more to do with social engineering, now starting from a very young age and under the radar of the average parent.

Yes, teach your children the facts of life. What is being urged is to protect your children from what they are being taught by others without you realizing it.

Little boys and girls are being taught explicit pornographic materials, how to have safe sex, gay sex, how to masturbate, and instructions on how to apply rubber prophylactic balloons. If your children are going through the average sex class in public school, don’t be surprised when your children begin to march lockstep with the world swallowed up by the culture of death by the time they are going through puberty and are rebelling against you. And yes, sexually worn out by the time they are going through puberty—and by the time they are in college arguing against you and your Catholic faith.

Planned Parenthood was behind the implementation of Sex Ed in schools. The same organization who indoctrinated people into believing that a baby is not a baby.

It’s one thing to teach a young person about the facts of life at home; it’s quite another to be a naive parent putting the minds of their children in the hands of secular anti-Jesus social engineers.

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In 1964, the medical director for Planned Parenthood Federation of America, founded the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States. All you need to do is go to the website and read what their goals are where they explain:

According to the National Guidelines Task Force, sexuality education promotes sexual health in four ways:
• It provides accurate information about human sexuality, including growth and development, anatomy, physiology, human reproduction, pregnancy, childbirth, parenthood, family life, sexual orientation, gender identity, sexual response, masturbation, contraception, abortion, sexual abuse, HIV/AIDS, and other sexually transmitted infections.
• It helps young people develop healthy attitudes, values, and insights about human sexuality by exploring their community’s attitudes, their family’s values, and their own critical thinking skills so that they can understand their obligations and responsibilities to their families and society.
Even more interesting is the history of the use of sex education by Marxist intellectuals who organized the slow march through the institutions with movements working to subvert Judeo-Christian values, by destroying the family unit, beginning with manipulating and controlling the libido of the masses, especially with the young.

Karl Marx and Freidrich Engels, the intellectuals behind the communist ideology, hated the nuclear family for practical reasons. Thus when the communist revolution failed to be embraced by the masses, Marxist think tanks such as the Frankfurt School determined that if Marxist communism was to succeed, the “nuclear family” had to be destroyed. By tearing down western culture and Judeo-Christian values—with the father figure in the nuclear family as provider and authority figure, the mother as a nurturing homemaker, both parents raising and educating their own children within their home— all if this had to be torn down. The goal was to spark revolution, in order to destroy the old foundations and rebuild a new society in the image of the state built upon atheism, with a centralized government as a father figure, protector, teacher and provider, while indoctrinating the youth in the ways established by secular authorities.

A slow march through the institutions was the way to do this, and this began with the manipulation of the natural sexual urge through the spread sexual perversion as propaganda within literature, education and entertainment with the specific aim of toppling Judeo-Christian values.

Today marriage has already been re-defined, sodomy has been institutionalized, illegitimacy rates have skyrocketed and the natural roles of men and women are transforming before our eyes. The ultimate long-term goal goes back to the vision of Karl Marx where the "nuclear family” is no more.

Pornography and impure ideas will always contaminate, pollute and rot the mind, wether one is young or old. And when pornography is masked and taught to your children as the norms of a healthy lifestyle, their brains are being indoctrinated.

The devil is out to seduce the mind and enslave human beings to sin. Don’t be naive, there’s a war going on for the minds of the masses:

Maybe you are unfamiliar with what children are being taught these days in school
I have 3 children in elementary school. I know what their curriculum is.
And realize that not all children are going to come home and tell you what they learned in sex class.
They don’t have sex class yet first of all. So far health has been all about not eating junk food and exercising enough. Second of all, my kids can’t keep a secret to keep themselves out of trouble much less their school.
Wow. I have to be honest. That made me laugh right out loud. A little on the alarmist side, IMO.
May I humbly ask why it made you laugh?

My jaw hit the floor over his remarks, given the child sex assault scandal that has come out of Pennsylvania in the past 2 years.
I think Father understands perfectly. When we remove ethics, morals, etc. and teach sex purely as a biological act, it creates indifference toward human sexual behavior.

Also, giving children information about sexual relations before they are ready can be a form of unintentional grooming since it pushes an inaccurate impression on the child’s psyche.
Robbing a young child of its innocence with thoughts about sexual intercourse years before they need to know about it takes a toll on a child’s psyche

A few years ago, I about croaked when my 2nd grader told me two 4th graders (M/F) were having sex in the boys bathroom. Afterschool care director confirmed it had happened earlier in the school day. I do believe that kids should know anatomical terminology, but sex ed programs that push agendas need to go.
Were the two kids being abused? Nine or ten is not a normal age for intercourse, not even in the minds of the most liberal sex ed propagators.
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