Sexual stimulation

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Is it okay for a married couple to have oral sex and climax outside of the body, then have intercourse after, so we are open to life? I posted a simular post in Apologetics and got a wonderful answer. The thing is we both want to experiance this together and we are both open to life but also want to please one another in differant ways. The reason for the post is that I did not include in my previous post that we would have intercourse after the oral. Okay or not okay?
From my understanding, oral sex can be preformed as long as the man does not climax. Climax is to be open to life, meaning that for the man, it has to be in the right place.

Now, for a woman, that’s a different story. Climaxing doesn’t affect the openess to life for her therefore she can be brought to climax orally (AS LONG AS, you have completed the open to life sex act before or after, she’s been brought to climax)
I hate to be a killjoy prude, and I probably shouldn’t have clicked on this thread, but I find it a little too graphic, and kids might be reading this. I suggest you ask your priest and not post it here, in such titilating detail. 😦 I thought the rules say to avoid sexual posts of this nature… :confused:
June 2, 2004, 08:36 PM
Karl Keating
President, Catholic Answers Join Date: April 1, 2004
Location: San Diego
Posts: 731

The Catholic Answers forums accept as members people who are age 13 and over. This means that young people will have access to whatever is discussed in these forums.
Certain issues regarding sexuality are properly discussed here, but some issues should not be brought up in a public forum.
If you have a question on a sensitive issue (one, for example, that you are not likely to bring up before a group of young teenagers), do not discuss it here. Instead, contact one of Catholic Answers’ staff apologists by letter or telephone.
Threads that, in the opinion of the moderators, fall outside the boundaries of due propriety will be deleted.

The secular world must be getting to me, I must have become immune to such things as I can’t see any details being mentioned.

Please understand this is not a sarcastic remark! I’m just really wondering if I’ve lost my sense of “modesty”.

I appologise to anyone who I may have offended by answering this question… I just didn’t realise that it was too “risquee or titillating” 😮

I just realized that the Ask an Apologist forum has answered this question. I guess that means that it’s not a question that can’t be talked about (sensitively) in a public forum. Still, I do apologize if I’ve offended.
Get this book. It answers many questions and explains why it is so.
Author: West, Christopher
Good News About Sex and Marriage: Answers to Your Honest Questions About Catholic Teaching
Is it okay for a married couple to have oral sex and climax outside of the body, then have intercourse after, so we are open to life? I posted a simular post in Apologetics and got a wonderful answer. The thing is we both want to experiance this together and we are both open to life but also want to please one another in differant ways. The reason for the post is that I did not include in my previous post that we would have intercourse after the oral. Okay or not okay?
Well, I wouldn’t bring this up among 13 or 14 year olds. I do think we’ve all become desensitized by our sex oriented culture. It’d be nice if these forums could be a refuge from that. Notice that this poster has only posted two posts, and both are on a rather sensitive subject. I think I’m just sick of our sex-saturated society. 😦
Well, I wouldn’t bring this up among 13 or 14 year olds. I do think we’ve all become desensitized by our sex oriented culture. It’d be nice if these forums could be a refuge from that. Notice that this poster has only posted two posts, and both are on a rather sensitive subject. I think I’m just sick of our sex-saturated society. 😦
It was a little humorous to see your username next to this thread title- sorry, couldn’t help myself! :o 😃
Well, I wouldn’t bring this up among 13 or 14 year olds. I do think we’ve all become desensitized by our sex oriented culture. It’d be nice if these forums could be a refuge from that. Notice that this poster has only posted two posts, and both are on a rather sensitive subject. I think I’m just sick of our sex-saturated society. 😦
I doubt you’d find a 13 year old that didn’t already know about oral sex through school or whatever. My 12 year old knows - she found it by accident in the dictionary! Fellatio was above whatever she had beebn looking up for an assignment. Of course, my ten year old also knows know as she wanted to know what was so ‘eww’ according to miss 12. Better they learn about it in my presence I guess…
Hey guys I truly apologize if I offended anyone on this topic. I am a bit embarrassed to ask someone whom I see every Suday at Mass or Life Teen. I sincerly seek the truth about sexual freedom in the Catholic Church and did not want in any way to abuse this forum. I know the only 2 topics I have posted are about sex but everything else I feel comfortable talking to my priest. Please forgive any foreseen misintentions on my part, I truly meant no disrespect.
I think all too often we shield people from asking or answering questions that are intimate and dear. I believe it shows a lack of maturity on the part of one’s understanding of one’s sexuality. Asking your priest, eh, maybe, if he has training beyond the usual diocesan training. Asking an NFP rep, better. Talking to a moral theologian or ethicist, best option. They can be lay or religious, fyi.

I have my own “opinion” on this but I believe your best answer will lie with a reputable source. But to talk about it and ask questions about sexuality, more power to you for owning a significant part of who you are and who your spouse is.

BTW, vaginal intercourse is always looked upon well in the eyes of the church and most importantly God when you are sharing the love of your spouse and open to possibility of life.
I dont think this is a bad question to ask in the forum, I mean I want teens to understand that sex, oral or vaginal is not disgusting inside of marriage. Teenagers are exposed to sex as a passtime instead of as an act of love, if I 13 year old sees this they will learn that they have many things to look forward to in marriage, too many people think that the Catholic church is prude when in actuallty sex between married couples is supposed to happen and pleaseure is not looked down upon. If they don’t learn that they may feel that they cannot be catholic if they want a sex life like that in their marriage.
It was a little humorous to see your username next to this thread title- sorry, couldn’t help myself! :o 😃
:rotfl: :rotfl: The opportunity for some ribald humor got the better of me, too
From my understanding, oral sex can be preformed as long as the man does not climax. Climax is to be open to life, meaning that for the man, it has to be in the right place.

Now, for a woman, that’s a different story. Climaxing doesn’t affect the openess to life for her therefore she can be brought to climax orally (AS LONG AS, you have completed the open to life sex act before or after, she’s been brought to climax)
LOL. That seems a bit unfair!
I’ve always held the understanding that any intentional climax outside the ‘marital act’ is sinful, regardless of the gender of the person experiencing it.
I’ve always held the understanding that any intentional climax outside the ‘marital act’ is sinful, regardless of the gender of the person experiencing it.
Only if seperated from participation in the act, meaning that if the woman is climaxing, it can’t be just for that purpose. It doesn’t have to physically be in the middle of the actual intercourse, unlike the male, because her climax is not directly involved in the procreative aspect of the act. The reason the male can only climax during intercourse is because he must climax inside the woman for the act to be procreative.

If I remember correctly, before he became Pope, Bishop Karol Wojtyla wrote an encyclical to his archdioces explaining that, so long as it is part of the complete marital act, the husband could bring his wife to climax by means other than direct intercourse.

Is it okay for a married couple to have oral sex and climax outside of the body, then have intercourse after, so we are open to life? I posted a simular post in Apologetics and got a wonderful answer. The thing is we both want to experiance this together and we are both open to life but also want to please one another in differant ways. The reason for the post is that I did not include in my previous post that we would have intercourse after the oral. Okay or not okay?
The male must deliver the “seed” inside always, no exemptions. This has been taught from the beginning of the Church. Like the previous poster above me had said, Pope John Paul the Great wrote an excellent encyclical on this. Check it out, its available.
It’s not an encyclical but it is a great book nonetheless. It’s called Love and Responsibility. If I remember correctly it doesn’t treat the specific issue discussed here, but it does lay out the theological and philosophical underpinnings for evaluating the morality of such acts.
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