My daughter told me last week: “I don’t want to hear about religion, everytime we are visiting mom, you talk about the Catholic faith, auntie ( my younger sister ) doesn’t talk about the faith when we visit or talk on the phone, why do you preach to me mom?” First off, I talk about it to her because Iam worried about her salvation! With good reason! ( I wont get into it here ) I don’t just come right off and start talking the faith to her the minute she walks in the door! But, it seems like everytime we visit, an opportunity comes up to discuss the faith. I feel it is my duty as her mother to tell her about Jesus I do not nag at her about it, not by a long shot! I do however, talk about Jesus in small ways, so as not to come off as over bearing Subtle ways. Brooke is a very smart girl, and she was baptized Catholic, but she doesn’t want to talk about Jesus. I want her to know that Jesus can save her, and she needs to know that He is God, and that evolution is not the way we came about and so on I have religious items all over my home, and she sees them when she comes over to visit once in a while. Sometimes she comments on them “being very nice” and she is very polite to me about them. But Iam wanting her to change her life, and I constantly pray to God that she will see the truth, and come to know Christ Jesus, and better her life. I think she believes in evolution because she knows her lifestyle is not in sinc with the faith. I gave her a Rosary once, and she likes it, but wont use it. Sometimes, when in discussion with her, she will admit to being Catholic but that is all. She sometimes says she
believes, but if she did, she wouldn’t believe in evolution! How can I
share the faith with her, and besides praying for her total conversion, how can I be a more effective witness for Christ? I do not nag at her, nor do I preach to her. I just worry about her salvation, and want her to live a life that is pleasing to Christ, and
become the Catholic I know she can be!
believes, but if she did, she wouldn’t believe in evolution! How can I
share the faith with her, and besides praying for her total conversion, how can I be a more effective witness for Christ? I do not nag at her, nor do I preach to her. I just worry about her salvation, and want her to live a life that is pleasing to Christ, and
become the Catholic I know she can be!