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I wanted to share this with all of you.

My mother was raised Baptist and my father, Lutheran. My dad has always had real problems with the RC Church, though he never exactly knew what, just didn’t like them. My mom has never cared one way or another, but was always deeply influenced by her born again mother (my grandmother) who calls the RC Church “a circus magic show.”

Okay, done with the background story.

This past week my mom showed interest in “going to church at the Catholic church”. I was excited, as she knows I’m about to start RCIA and have been going there now and then. Still, I wasn’t holding my breath as she tends to cancel such plans. Later in the week she also told me my father was going to go, something I had a hard time believing. He had vowed to me to never step foot in one, let alone go for Mass, again for no real reason that he had revealed (my dad is one to pass judgement and be prejudice).

Late saturday night…

My mom broke her toe two weeks ago and had been wearing sandles every since because they didn’t smash her toes together. On saturday she started complaining about her toe again, saying that she “might not be able to go to church” because her dress shoes would hurt her too much. I wasn’t surprised but I hoped she would still go because I wanted her to more than ever. My father claimed he would if my mom went.

I knew I was the only one going.

The next morning I woke up and headed for the shower, and what did I hear? The shower was on in my parent’s room. I went to see what was going on and what do you know? My mom is in the shower and my dad was ironing clothes. They were coming with me to Mass.

Thirty minutes before we are to leave, my Mom looks over to me and says "I can’t go Bryan, my foot is killing me. Thirty minutes! I said “fine, no big deal, always another sunday, I’ll go anyway.” She knew I wanted her to go badly. My dad was ironing his shirt. She finally said she would go. I left their room and got dressed. I sat in my room after dressing and prayed for fifteen minutes, asking God to “give them every opportunity to enjoy and understand,” and to “fill them with the Holy Spirit” and for “Christ to fill their hearts with his love.” I also asked the Holy Mother to pray for me. I was almost in tears over it, the last thing I wanted to happen was for them to see a “magic show.”

“Bryan,” she said from the other room, and I was thinking “oh no.” I went in there and she looked up at me, “we don’t have to do this thing do we?” she said, making a odd-shaped sign of the cross over herself. “No” I said, all you have to do is sit and listen if you want. She agreed and we went.

Mass from 11am - 12:15pm.

They liked it, they really did. My father decided “it’s not so different from Lutheran” and my mom declared, “it’s nothing like what my mother said it was, nothing at all.” I was so happy. I was filled with happiness like a cup filled to the brim and spilling over! I told everyone! My dad even told my mom later on that he liked it. They are planning on going back with me this weekend and bringing my sister!

I have thanked God so many times. I know he had a hand to play in all of this. My mom is even talking about joining RCIA with me, as well as, my sister! I don’t want to get my hopes up, but if nothing else, I love that they don’t reject what I’m doing anymore. It means so much to me.
Oh, that’s lovely! Every little step is a big one, isn’t it? And it seems like the hardest part is not pushing, but just waiting and praying.

Thanks for that story - I’ll pray that they will fall in love with it as much as I did. 🙂

What a wonderful child you are…to take your parents to Mass. How wonderful!!! I hear some partying going on with the angels and saints!!! Blessings to all of you
That was truly awesome!!! What ever prayer you prayed for your mom and dad sure did the trick huh? I am so happy that you can at least go to mass without feeling like you are not supported by your parents!!! Maybe it will all turn out great and they will go to RCIA with you. Don’t be too disappointed if they don’t though. God’s timing isn’t like ours, and things are always best when done his way. Good luck and God Bless †
You were given a great grace of patience and you family a tremendous grace for openess. This is a great testimony and shows just what the love, mercy, and grace of God can do. Thanks for telling us about your family 👍

What a wonderful story! Congratulations on having them join you!

Keep up the prayers, there are likely to be a few setbacks along the way. It is not unusual for different people to travel the path into the Church at different paces. One or more family members may hit a snag or stall along the way. Don’t let it upset you if it happens, simply remain charitable and continue praying for guidance from the Holy Spirit.

And congrats, congrats, congrats, that they had a wonderful first experience with the Church. I’m really happy for you! I’ll keep you all in my prayers.

God Bless,

From the bottom of my heart, rock on! That’s such a great story to hear! Our scripture teacher in high school said what makes a miracle is timing: your prayers sure got answered, and you also didn’t give up! That’s admirable to persist in humble prayers even when you could have settled for less! What a good example for us to follow.

God bless and may your family continue to come to Mass,
Thank you all so much for your support! I love each and every one of you in Christ!

I hope that God shines his face upon all of us in times of need and hurting.

Thank you.
What a beautiful prayer life you have. The Blessed Mother must have been so happy to have interceded for you, to lead your whole family to Jesus, the Holy Spirit definately was working through you, you were so patient and kind. God is good. We will remember you and your family during our daily Rosary. Keep us in your prayers too. Thank you for sharing this with us. (by the way, I love the Hail Mary in your signature, thats so nice.)
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