Sharpening my antenni

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How can I more easily ascertain the promptings of the Holy Spirit and know what to do?

I feel closer to the Lord and the Holy Family more than ever through daily Mass and Rosary and praying the sorrows of Mary, St. Joseph and St. Ann and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and frequent confession.

I’ve learned on my own that by ignoring completely what promptings I get can sort of be a way of showing distrust in God’s providence for me.

I want to get better ‘antenni’ though or a better ‘phone’ so to speak so the messages come in better. Any suggestions? Thanks.
Fasting on Firday thru-out the year… I usually do this by giving up meat… I need to perfect it though and give up sweets as well on this day. :o

I am also gonna TRY AGAIN… :o to do a one day a week bread and water fast… as well as attempting on THAT night of the fast to sleep on the floor instead of the bed… either St John Vienney or St Francis Xavier did this from time to time (slept on the floor)… but I aint using a ROCK for a pillow! 😛

I’m hoping it will assist me with my faith even more… God Bless!
Dearest friend,

I pray the prayer below and ask for intercession from St Padre Pio. It helps me, it may help you.

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

'I am going to reveal to you the secret of sanctity and happiness. Everyday for five minutes control your imagination and close your eyes to the things of sense and your ears to the noises of the world, in order to enter yourself. Then in the sanctity of your baptised soul (which is the temple of the Holy Spirit) speak to that Divine Spirit, saying to Him:

…O Holy Spirit, beloved of my soul…I adore You. Enlighten me, guide me, strengthen me, console me. Tell me what I should do…give me Your orders. I promise to submit myself to all that You desire of me and to accept all that you permit to happen to me. Let me only know Your will…

If you do this, your life will flow along happily, serenely and full of consolation, even in the midst of trials. Grace will be proportioned to the trial, giving you the strength to carry it and you will arrive at the gate of Paradise, laden with merit. This submission to the Holy Spirit is the secret of sanctity’

Cardinal Mercier

God Bless you and much peace and love to you
Maybe you should consider a spiritual director. Seeking Spiritual Direction by Thomas Dubay, S.M. gives information as to the role of a spiritual director, qualities to look for in a good spiritual director, and ways to develop a deeper prayer life.

This book states that the Christocentric and Gospel-led mentor is forming the directee to a total love for God, to an abundant life in him. He enables the directee to be led by the primary director, the Holy Spirit, not by egoistic inclinations.

I have recently read this book and would like to find a learned and spiritual person to guide me in my prayer life.
Thank you all for your wonderful responses! God bless you all.
How can I more easily ascertain the promptings of the Holy Spirit and know what to do?

I feel closer to the Lord and the Holy Family more than ever through daily Mass and Rosary and praying the sorrows of Mary, St. Joseph and St. Ann and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and frequent confession.

It would seemed to me that you have already laid ‘fertile soil’ to be aware of the promptings of the Holy Spirit with all of the above mentioned!
Does your heart burn within you? Are you at peace? These are some of the things I use as a gage to try to discern the promptings of the Spirit. Sometimes I share them with my Spiritual Director or a dear friend in the Lord . Hope this helps.
In His Love, Annunciata:)
Thanks so much. Yes I think I have some fertile soil already lain (if that’s a word 😃 ) I feel just itching to go further. Thank you all for your suggestions!
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