I just really need some advice on this. Three different people have told me recently that I should be discerning a vocation to Holy Orders. Firstly, a lady who attends Mass at the hospital chapel where I serve asked me if I’d ever thought about becoming a priest. Then a few weeks ago I went to a talk organised by a neighbouring parish about the sacraments. I got talking to a woman afterwards on a vaguely theologically topic and she also told me I should be considering the priesthood. Then a couple of weeks ago, I was at my parish using the empty church to say Divine Office by myself as is my custom. Our organist, who I am on quite good terms with, asked me afterwards if I had considered I may have a vocation to Holy Orders. Then tonight, we were having a meeting of our parish Liturgy Committee. It was mentioned that a new deacon was being ordained who would be based out of a nearby parish, to which our organist (some chap as above) remarked “and we have another budding one right here” indicating me.
That was really the last straw: this is something I am going to have to give serious thought to. I can no longer dismiss the idea that it is possible that God is trying to give me a message, that I am being called towards something. But how do I know that? Is that presumptuous or is that how it works? At any rate, other people are seeing something in me and are keen for me to know about it. I am a relatively new Catholic so it would be a while before I could even apply, but I would like to use that time to work out if I should be pursuing this path or not. How does one discern a vocation? Is there anything I should be doing to help find direction? And lastly, I have had both the priesthood and the diaconate mentioned to me. How do I know which would better suit my skills. I’d really appreciate any advice or insight on any of this.
That was really the last straw: this is something I am going to have to give serious thought to. I can no longer dismiss the idea that it is possible that God is trying to give me a message, that I am being called towards something. But how do I know that? Is that presumptuous or is that how it works? At any rate, other people are seeing something in me and are keen for me to know about it. I am a relatively new Catholic so it would be a while before I could even apply, but I would like to use that time to work out if I should be pursuing this path or not. How does one discern a vocation? Is there anything I should be doing to help find direction? And lastly, I have had both the priesthood and the diaconate mentioned to me. How do I know which would better suit my skills. I’d really appreciate any advice or insight on any of this.