I listen to Catholic Answers Live via podcast every day while I’m at work. I always find it slightly weird when non-Catholics (and sometimes fellow Catholics) call in to ask about a particular teaching of the Church and then, once it’s explained to them, reply that they just can’t accept this or that, or that something doesn’t work for them. I feel very uncharitable by saying this, but my first inclination is to say “so, who cares if you accept the Church’s teachings or not? If you refuse the accept the truth, the Church isn’t going to crumble or kowtow to your beliefs.” Like I said, I know this sounds harsh, but I guess I can’t help wondering whether our society has progressed (regressed?) to the point where people just expect the Church to change its ways, teachings, disciplines, etc to suit the desires of those outside of it, rather than those who aren’t Catholic modifying THEIR beliefs and understanding to be fully part of the Church. My question is, I suppose, how can I be more charitable and less judgmental of those who (at least at present) are unaccepting of the teachings of the Magisterium? I know from personal experience that some of the Church’s moral teachings can be hard to swallow, but I ultimately found that when I was in disagreement with Catholic teaching earlier in my life, it was I who needed to change, not the Church. Does that make sense?