My priest-pastor is a VERY, VERY nice guy. He’s also a strong believer in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, and he believes in all the New Testament Miracles. However, I’ve heard him mention Father Raymond Brown a lot. And in his sermons, he makes it pretty obvious that he doesn’t believe that God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, doesn’t believe God took Elijah up into heaven like the Bible says, etc. He also seems, from the content of his sermons, not to believe in the existence of Demons although he DOES believe in the existence of angels. I really like my pastor, but I don’t know how I should reply to these things. Should I keep silent? Should I get him into a private conversation? Perhaps change parishes? I want my mother to start taking RCIA because she’s really interested in the Catholic faith, but if the RCIA teacher (usually my pastor) starts talking about the non-reality of Adam & Eve, of Sodom & Gomorrah, of Demons, etc., I can tell you that my mother will bolt from the Catholic church quicker than you can say WOW!, and I don’t want THAT to happen…Any advice from anyone?