Hello everybody. I’ve been married 4 years, only 3 months in the church and already feel like I"ve made a very big mistake. Shortly before the marriage, we spoke to our priest about getting anullments. The priest explained the process and told us it would take about 1 1/2 years. My spouse didn’t want to wait until the anullments were approved so we got married by the JOP. I told our priest of our decision 4 days before the ceremony and he was very understanding and never once told me that it would be sinful. When our anullments were approved 1.5 years later, I refused to get our marriage convalidated. You see, we have children from previous marriages, a “blended family” from hell (so to speak). The children are our major conflicts, then comes the medaling mother in law, then $. About 8 months ago, I came to terms with all of this when I couldn’t handle it anymore and I turned to God. My faith grew in leaps and bounds. At first my spouse didn’t like it and I also refused marital relations until after the convalidation. I decided that I would put my faith in God and we had our marriage convalidated (just 3 months ago). In past few weeks, things have gotten awful. Both of his children are on drugs, have no job, and are always wanting a hand out, not to mention the “medaling mother in law”. One of the children told me that he wished I was dead. To top that off, this past weekend, my spouse left me at my 20 year class reunion and went home because of being tired and I was nagging. This was simply an excuse to make me out to be the “bad guy”. I simply asked him what was wrong. Sorry for the long post.