This is hard to ask I’m just starting to get desperate. My husband has been off work for a couple of months he has been having some Health issues been hospitalized once and been to doctor numerous times. It took awhile to be diagnosed. He was given the ok to go back to work three weeks ago but he keeps saying he’s hurting from one thing or another and hasn’t been back to work with the exception of one day. We have really been hurting for money. He has always called into work a lot but never for this long. We had just started doing ok financially even bought our first home about nine months ago. Now we are getting to the point I can’t pay bills I feel like I hate him sometimes and I just want out. He has been married twice before and has children with both ex wives we were never able to have any. I hold a lot of hard feelings for him right now i think he could go back to work he’s just milking it. When he’s home all day he doesn’t do anything every once in awhile when I complain and point it out he will do something the next day but never again after that. Our sex life hasn’t really been very good we are stuck in a monotonous routine. I’m miserable and exhausted from trying to work a ton of overtime to try and compensate for his pay. He hasn’t been getting his short term disability and won’t call and ask why. I guess my question is should I just give up and leave or is there help?