Edit: I’m not the youth leader, I’m just a 16 year old youth
In that case, definitely do not make your SSA public knowledge. As soon as you do, members of the group will think, “He’s told all of us, so he won’t care if we spread the info to everyone else.”
You might receive some fantastic support by a general announcement…
But you will also open yourself to homophobia of worst types.
And there may also be people who encourage you to abandon Church teaching and just live out, loud, and proud.
This most intimate of information should be revealed only to friends who have proven their trustworthiness.
Teenagers are not known for their ability to keep confidences, sorry. They just have a need to discuss things as a way of learning about themselves and others, and their blossoming identities and place in this world.
If you haven’t already spoken with your pastor, that might be a good place to start. He might even help you find a trusted spiritual director.
God bless you! And know that you are in my prayers.