Should I pass up opportunity to be a movie trailer script writer? (Complicit sin?)

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I am a writer. My brother-in-law put me in touch with a woman in Los Angeles who writes the scripts for movie trailers (previews). You know, “This summer, take the ride of your life…” Basically, it’s writing the words for the narrator.

This gal has been very nice, very generous with her time and talents. She has given me instruction followed by assignments which I email to her and which she then critiques. The idea is that when my skills get to a certain level, she’ll give my spec scripts to some of her producer contacts so that I might get work from them. I really enjoy the writing and I seem to have a knack for it.

However, it occurs to me now that I may be complicit in scandal if I continue on this path. I doubt I will be able to pick and choose which movies I will write trailer scripts for. But even if I will, how often could I get away with that? Wouldn’t I be essentially working for Satan if I’m helping to sell movies that lead people to sin?

I’m pretty sure I know the answer. I think I should thank this woman who’s been mentoring and move on to something that is wholesome. I suppose what I need is moral support. I’ve been a stay-at-home dad for five years and am now moving out into the work world again. I don’t want to pass up money that could help to provide for my family. But I also don’t want money at the expense of others’ souls (or mine).

Thanks in advance for everyone’s help!

Hmm, that’s a rough one. I’m in a similar position in that I’m a writer and worked for years on an autobiographical novel. Now I realize a good portion of that book is vulgar and could give scandal if published. Yes, there’d be a market for it, but I worry if it would be something that would detract from my Christian witness, so to speak, and be something I would be ashamed of sooner or later.

I have mused on the idea of rewriting the book, but either way, it sits unfinished in a drawer today.

The entertainment business does seem to provide a great many opportunities to encourage sin and scandal, even with those involved being barely aware of it in some cases.

But sorry, I don’t know what to tell you other than to pray about it. See what St. Francis De Sales, one of the Patrons Saints of Writers and my Patron, will lead you to do.
As a freelance performer, I’ve adopted certain standards for what and where I’ll perform, and for whom. God gave me the talents I use, and I’m obliged to use them in ways that do not dishonor Him. I’ve had to turn down a few jobs, but others always came along. Maybe Providence is my agent, in a sense.

Hope that helps.
I’m a writer and I feel your pain! Sometimes it s eems like so much of the written world is reserved for sinners.

I would ask your helpful LA woman friend (for lack of a better pro-noun) for her opinion. You can ask if she thinks you’d be able to pick and chose assigments or if there are certain companies you can work for that would only make non-objectional movies. You could even ask her how many scripts she gets with immoral contents.

And if you decide this isn’t a path you could take, there are other ones. Maybe you could dilute Hollywood with some excellent scripts of your own! But whatever your calling, there will be something out there for you!

Here’s some moral support:
Writing is a terrible slave-driver. You put forth all your best work first and then find out if you’ll get paid for it or if anyone will ever enjoy the fruits of your labor. It’s not the career path I would have chosen if I’d had any say in the matter. But because I seem to be a somewhat disturbed person with an affinity for the tortures of creating with words, I cannot stop myself.

On the other hand, there is always a need for us and God will provide. He gave you talent and He won’t make you now waste it. God has a plan for you and your pen (or keyboard) and He’ll show it to you when the time is right.

For five years you have been doing something EXTREMELY important and I admire you for it! You sound like a good man and a good father.

Pray. Continue to practice and improve your writing. Pray some more. God provides!

A slightly-embittered ( 😃 ) fellow author who will be praying for you,

Hello and welcome to the Catholic Answers Forums!

I am an engineer, so I have very little knowledge of your situation and will not presume to advise you on your question. But I will pray for you, that God will give you some clear guidance.
  • Liberian
Brett, Opus Dei sponsors a program for women in the entertainment industry. There’s a description of it here. Maybe you can contact them and see if they also sponsor a program for men. I hope this helps you. In the meantime, I think the advice to talk with your friend in Los Angeles about how choosy you might realistically be and still get work is a good start. You shouldn’t have to give up writing.
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