Hello, I have, in the past few months become so Catholic that I am considering becoming a priest, or religious brother, etc. I am not sure what to do? I’m 18 years old, and for years I thought I wanted to become a nurse, and was so sure of it, but now I want nothing more than to serve the lord. I don’t want a material life, I don’t want material things, I DONT WANT MONEY, I hate money, money is the seed of evil I don’t want anything that I don’t need. I want to work hands on with the poor, and sick, day and night. I don’t want to be clean and comfortable in my own home, knowing that some child or human is out there starving, or in need of a home or shelter. I’ve delve so deep into my faith that I cant get out (not that I would want to), that I’m not happy if I’m not at church anymore. I’m not happy if I’m not celebrating mass, I’m tired of living In a material world full of sin and vanity. What should I do? or what vocation would be good for me? I want a mix of helping the poor and sick, but also praising the lord at the same time with mass and prayer. Am I just confused? I used to want expensive cars and a huge house and nice things, but now I see that I don’t need or want any of that. I don’t want anything to my name. The only thing holding me back is this material life, and I’m sick of it, Ive lived enough time in sin, and want NO MORE of it. What should I do to make sure this is what I really want? Thank you and God bless!