I hope someone can help. My parents are Pagan and I’m Catholic. I am an adult and have a family of my own so I’m not with them often however it’s been brought to my attention that they “cast spells” this is literally what they’ve told me they’ve taken classes to learn to cast spells with their blood too. The whole thing freaks me out but I’m not sure if they are doing so in an attempt to look after me or help me (in their view). I feel like they view it the same as if I were to pray for them for help they honestly think they are being helpful. I am against it no matter the intention and I’m very concerned that it may attract demons or spirits in mine or my families life. I was even more concerned when my mom told me she cast a spell on my grandma before the surgery where she passed away and told me she wasn’t sure if she did it right. As I’m writing this I know how ridiculous it sounds. My question is if worrying about these “spells” is something I need to do and what can I do about it? I don’t believe in spells but I do believe in spirits, demons and such that I do not want meddling in my life. I don’t know what to do or if I’m getting worked up for nothing. Any guidance will be appreciated.
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