Civil divorce is, I think, a necessary evil. There are cases where people need to separate and even be protected from one another.
Should a woman be saddled with all her husband’s debts for life, even if she is not living with him and has no responsibility? Should a man be forced to support a woman who has run off with another guy? There are cases where, unfortunately, justice requires the LEGAL severability of married individuals.
Civil divorce has no effect on the Church’s view of a marriage. It never has and it never will. Separate issue to be resolved separately.
I have said myself, that if my husband became abusive or cheated on me, or there were other issues serious enough that I felt I could not live with him anymore, I would divorce him civilly in order to protect myself legally. Our debts would be separate, our property rights would be separate…etc. My marriage would be considered valid by the Church, and still by me, but I would have legal and civil protections where I needed them.
Sad, but an unfortunate reality of human relationships. Sometimes, they break.
edited to add: I completely agree with the statements already made about no-fault divorce. That has been a tragedy of untold proportions. But I believe there should be fault-divorce, like there used to be.