- Yes
- No
Isn’t this equivalent to saying that people who are born with natural God-given intelligence should be glorified because of it, but people born with natural God-given beauty should be told that they are no more beautiful than anyone else?Modeling that does focus on the body, I think, should be done away with. Any modeling that says “this is beautiful, if you don’t look like this, you’re broken or not good enough” should be done away with, because that leads to lots of low self esteem for many women and men.
OK, I agree with a lot of this. I think that different societies emphasize different types of beauty, and it is good to counteract that.Often, in the modling industry, we get a lot of people who look similar. Hourglass figures, women with big chests and big rears, or something of the sort. And because these women are always portrayed as beautiful, anyone who does not look the same way might feel as if they can’t be as beautiful because they naturally aren’t like those models - even though a lot of those models aren’t naturally like that, either.
I disagree with this. Beauty is one of God’s gifts, and it should not be denigrated, and we shouldn’t suggest it is utterly subjective. But as with all gifts, God loves ALL, not only those gifted in one particular way.I wouldn’t quite say that beauty is necessarily a gift. The Bible says that beauty is vain. And it doesn’t last with age. So I wouldn’t put it on the same level as intelligence.